
var please = require('share');
console.log('thank you');

NEW !!!

Thursday, 13 January, 2022 UTC

Mind the gap: Malaysia pushing to close digital skills gap

Malaysia has been implementing various initiatives to help to upskill and reskill its population, including #MyDigitalMaker Movement, eUsahawan, Premier Digital Tech Institute, Digital Skills Training Directory, Let’s Learn Digital, and more. A PwC report ... more

Tuesday, 19 October, 2021 UTC

Cyber attacks today exploiting zero-day threats before enterprises can patch

Cyber attacks today are becoming more rampant. In the past, when vulnerabilities at discovered, organizations may have some time to patch them up once. However, this is now changing as attackers are exploiting new zero-day exploits even before enterprises ... more

Saturday, 27 April, 2019 UTC

The CIO’s guide to boosting agility using processes-as-microservices

Businesses are deploying more complex processes but run into frustrations, not able to deploy their solutions quickly enough, thanks to the time it takes for developers to build a monolithic architecture from the ground up, and then go through lengthy ... more

Thursday, 28 March, 2019 UTC

Business, meet DevOps. You’ll get on fine

A familiar criticism of IT is that it’s usually slow to react and come up with the goods at the speeds demanded of it by the business. IT developers have the ability to create applications and services that are simple to use and are incredibly powerful, ... more

Thursday, 31 January, 2019 UTC

Pay attention to Facebook’s new privacy and data use business hub

FACEBOOK hasn’t had a good 12 months so far, but the company is constantly trying to make sure it overcomes challenges — regulatory, business, and ethical — and earns back the trust of its customers and users across the globe. Recently, the company announced ... more

Friday, 18 January, 2019 UTC

The future of application development is made of Vinyl

Avid readers of the biztech press would be forgiven for believing that every organization under the sun is embarking on a journey of digital transformation. The implication is that transforming your business into an agile, technologically-empowered machine ... more

Friday, 2 March, 2018 UTC

Alibaba to meet Europe’s business transformation needs

Digital transformation is getting serious. Companies across the world are working hard to create a plan that can accelerate their journey in the face of rising competition and growing customer demands. Businesses in Europe face tougher challenges, especially ... more

Monday, 26 February, 2018 UTC

Mine for crypto while reading the news

A NEWS site based in the US has taken a step which may become increasingly familiar as websites struggle to find routes to successful monetization. If visitors to salon.com are running ad-blockers on their browsers, they are asked to contribute to the ... more

Wednesday, 21 February, 2018 UTC

Google is rewiring itself to seem more appealing to publishers

IT SEEMS like Google is rewiring its search engine to appeal to the bottom lines of publishers with the aim of increasing user subscriptions. At a Digital News Initiative summit Google convened in Amsterdam last week, the search-engine goliath announced ... more

Friday, 9 February, 2018 UTC

Electron apps: A saviour or a curse?

CHANCES are, you’re using an Electron-based app and don’t even know it. Apps written on the framework include Hyper, Skype For Linux, Postman, Compass, Zeplin, and Slack. Plus there are hundreds of apps available here. So what is Electron, and why does ... more

Wednesday, 7 February, 2018 UTC

Cryptojacking explained and solved

WHILE the current plummet in the value of most cryptocurrencies continues unabated, the threats posed to organizations by unofficial cryptomining remain. Unwanted cryptomining, or cryptojacking, is the process by which users’ computers (or websites they ... more

Tuesday, 21 November, 2017 UTC

Be careful what you type: you’re being watched

MOST web users are used to their movements on the web and on individual websites being tracked by a combination of scripts and cookies. Which pages we visit, what we search for, which products we show interest in – we expect those things to reappear ... more

Thursday, 2 November, 2017 UTC

Acquia’s future builds up from open-source foundations

Drupal was launched as an open source project in 2001 having been developed by Dutch Ph.D. student Dries Buytaert as a message board. In time, as Drupal caught the imagination of both the dev and business communities, Buytaert founded Acquia in 2007, ... more

Wednesday, 27 September, 2017 UTC

DOS attacks’ methods develop subtlety to gain impact: What to do now

DDoS and DoS attacks are a technical issue that cause organizations damage. Denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are a serious business problem, though their management and mitigation are probably best left to the ... more

Tuesday, 19 September, 2017 UTC

Enabling the workforce and enlightening the board: Workflow management solutions for Asia and beyond

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software helps an organization make the transition from off-the-shelf specialized software (such as standalone accountancy applications) to an integrated system that puts the emphasis on departmental interoperability, ... more

Wednesday, 9 August, 2017 UTC

Best solutions for keeping JavaScript clean and secure

“JavaScript is the duct tape of the internet.” – Charlie Campbell For more than 22 years, JavaScript has been the programming language most commonly used in website development. Initially created by internet services company Netscape, this client-side ... more

Wednesday, 9 August, 2017 UTC

Jscrambler: the way to ensure your JavaScript applications really are protected

Maintaining the integrity of your Web Application on the Client-Side… Given the conception of JavaScript – a client-side interpreted language – and its ubiquitous adoption, organizations across all sectors have now critical information and logic on the ... more