Saturday, 27 April, 2019 UTC


Businesses are deploying more complex processes but run into frustrations, not able to deploy their solutions quickly enough, thanks to the time it takes for developers to build a monolithic architecture from the ground up, and then go through lengthy testing and QA.
However, a newer more agile application development method has taken enterprises by storm, enabling solutions to be delivered quickly, in a modular fashion, and with continual improvement in mind.
It’s called micro-services, and it allows organisations to respond to changes in business through a collaborative process and constant interaction between business units and the IT department.
Many large companies and famous service providers are already taking advantage of this technique and its associated architecture to manage their substantial volume of data. Among them are Netflix, eBay, Amazon, Twitter, and PayPal.

Increased benefits in switching

By switching to processes-as-microservices mentality in reflecting business processes into container environments, enterprises are able to witness advantages almost right away. Key benefits include:
  • Increased scalability – Since each service is delivered as a separate component, individual functions or entities can be scaled up at will, without having to upsize the entire application or system. Further, mission-critical applications can be deployed redundantly to ensure increased availability without interfering with other functions.
  • Increased flexibility – Deploying microservices means debugging and application testing can be done while delivering services. You could test and debug one component of your service without affecting the core services, thus reducing or eliminating downtime.
  • Quick to design, quicker to deploy – Due to a decentralised structure, developers do not need to reinvent the wheel and rewrite the entire code base to add one feature; they merely modify one specific service. Applications are designed, developed and deployed independently which speeds up the entire process.
  • More reliable – Because services are only interconnected via container management platforms, they are both connected and are separate entities. Design failure or bugs in one service would not affect the system in its entirety. While one service is down and being attended to, others would function as they should, and end-users may not even notice that the application is currently under maintenance.
  • Right solutions for problems – Gone are the days where your business is stuck with one vendor for all your solution. By adopting microservices, businesses are empowered to engage and acquire the most optimal solution for the tasks at hand. Each of these services could even have its own framework, structure and design, yet still, be coupled with others within the system.
  • Optimized resource – With multiple independent services allowing for quick deployment, your organisation becomes more agile, and efficient, while at the same time, reducing downtime. All of this reduces operating cost as well as the need to invest in expensive infrastructure.
However, moving away from your legacy applications and modernising your infrastructure architecture may seem like a daunting task, and companies should be aware of what they are getting into. They need to engage with reliable, proven and tested solution partner with all the appropriate expertise to guide them before switching over to the microservices architecture. In other words, they need an expert, like Leonardo.

How Leonardo will help your business become more agile

With over 20 years’ of expertise in enabling business process management, automation, integration and platform, the Australian consulting and technology firm is a clear front-runner, capable of creating the right framework for an on-going process of change. With clients all over Australasia and Asia, the company is known for boosting operational efficiencies in organisational management alongside systems delivery; together this improves value for all stakeholders.
Specifically, it is capable of helping your organisation to leverage the cutting-edge business process management (BPM) engine, Red Hat Process Automation Manager (RHPAM) along with node.js, RPA, CI/CD solutions, and carefully-chosen cloud-based container technologies to rapidly develop and deploy agile processes-as-microservices.

Leonardos Red Hat Technology Portfolio

As the ever-growing API economy dramatically increases the demand on your organisation’s IT department to facilitate the connection of applications and services, robust yet scalable architecture is crucial.
Source: Leonardo
By leveraging Red Hat’s broad portfolio of modular integration solutions, Leonardo has created a containerised platform that can be spun rapidly up on any cloud provider’s services, like AWS, Azure or Google Cloud. Called the Leonardo Base Platform Stack, the scalable, production-grade platform built on Red Hat Openshift can also be deployed on a private or hybrid cloud environment.
Companies attempting to modernise their infrastructure may not have a budget nor the capability to do this alone. This is where Leonardo’s platform provides help. Using emerging technology to reduce IT overheads, Leonardo empowers companies to scale, eliminate hardware deployment concerns and support the very latest in DevOps and CI/CD approaches – and that’s while using fast bridges between legacy systems.
As an Advanced Business Partner of Red Hat, Leonardo maintains a growing team of Red Hat Certified Professionals and provides resources for the full Red Hat portfolio of middleware, APIs and enterprise integration tools. Also, by using the Red Hat platform, Leonardo can provide solutions to enable disruptive technologies such as deep dives into enterprise-level (and scale) “big  data” analytics.
The digital economy requires enterprises to develop quickly and be agile. That’s why application development must evolve into being a nimble, agile, and continuous process. If you are interested in updating your company’s IT architecture and processes to reflect the modern era, get in touch with Leonardo now for a free consultation.
The post The CIO’s guide to boosting agility using processes-as-microservices appeared first on Tech Wire Asia.