Wednesday, 9 August, 2017 UTC


“JavaScript is the duct tape of the internet.” – Charlie Campbell
For more than 22 years, JavaScript has been the programming language most commonly used in website development. Initially created by internet services company Netscape, this client-side coding language is processed by the browser rather than the server, allowing applications to forge dynamic and engaging content in the form of message pop-ups, or stand-out added features such as the live clock. In other words, every time your mobile, laptop or PC shows something other than static information, JavaScript is the driving force behind these interactive displays.
“Now, 18-years after JavaScript first appeared, it has become the dominant programming language of the web,” notes an article from Learn to Program, highlighting that even application giants like Google Maps and Gmail are governed by JavaScript code. The fact that JavaScript is now even capable of operating outside the bounds of the web browser makes security an even more important topic. But if pretty much all our digital activities are spurred by the influence of JavaScript, what would it mean for your business, employees, or your daily life if your code is not quite up to scratch or protected?
Generally, JavaScript security adheres to one of two important paths: one embodied in the challenge of making sure there are no vulnerabilities in your code and fixing them if there are and the other lying in the status of security as viewed from a proprietary standpoint, which ultimately prevents the code from being tampered with or stolen.
Any data that would be considered sensitive was traditionally stored on the server. This kept your code safe and it also allowed the server to do the heavy lifting, performance-wise. Storing your code on the server certainly does offer the best protection, but it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. In some cases, it has some disadvantages: when someone is developing an application that should work offline or high-performance apps like games, where excessive latency can ruin the user experience, for example.
With the rise of client-side languages like JavaScript which brought interactivity to web pages, organizations must recognize that untrusted clients of their web applications may be under the control of attackers. The application author cannot assume that his JavaScript code will run as intended (or at all) because any sensitive data embedded in the code could be extracted by a determined adversary if appropriate measures are not taken into account.
“Keeping ahead of hackers is crucial when developing in any language, and this is especially true for organizations using JavaScript,” writes Amit Ashbel for Jscrambler’s online blog. “The potential attacks facing organizations using JavaScript include Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), improper client-server trust relationships and can result in devastating losses of revenue, reputation and sensitive data for the exploited organization,” Ashbel explains.
“The best way [to ensure] that your JavaScript code is vulnerability free and secure is by utilizing multiple layers of security solutions to ensure that your code is secure and can resist the threats posed by hackers, cyber criminals, and pirates.” On top of that, you should increase visibility on the client-side to detect tampering activities as soon as it is possible.
Here are three global companies offering cutting-edge multi-layer JavaScript solutions for you and your company…
Given the dynamic and versatile nature of JavaScript, more companies are using it to develop to important content, leaving more and more data to be held on the client-side.
In light of this looming threat, tech start-up Jscrambler presents an innovative solution, providing an integrated platform to protect client-side applications and keep your corporate assets safe.
Jscrambler gives companies the ability to transform their JavaScript apps and add layers of protection that will ensure their integrity and correct behavior. The first layer is focused on concealing the code and making sure that any sensitive data or logic is not understandable. This, paired with Code Traps – designed to enforce restrictions limiting by who, when and where the application can be executed – and the fact that it can make your apps self-defensive through anti-tampering and anti-debugging capabilities – so your application can defend itself from tampering and reverse-engineering attacks – means you can get back to business, safe in the knowledge your hard work and users are safely protected. It can also notify you when a client-side attack occurs so you are always in-the-know when it comes to the status of enterprise assets, even if your users are the ones infected.
“If companies focus only on protecting the server, as they have been doing until now, they will leave their front door open to attacks such as user-experience tampering, malware injection, data leakage,  Man-in-the-Browser (MITB) attacks, Intellectual Property and code theft,” says Jscrambler Co-Founder and Owner, Pedro Fortuna.
“In its 5.0 version, Jscrambler is a full client-side protection and monitoring solution that ensures that users can run apps safely, even in hostile environments.”
Read the full profile here.
Striving to close the gap between app security professionals and developers, Checkmarx launched its own unrivalled Application Security Testing solution that flawlessly integrates with the day-to-day business of developers, boosting profits and value via its distinct time-saving characteristics.
“The growing dependence on software coupled with increased exposure and usage of the Internet emphasize that software reliability is becoming increasingly critical to users,” the organization notes.
“Software developers are expected to rise to the challenge and deliver applications which are both safe and secure,” it adds. “Checkmarx was founded in 2006 with the vision of providing comprehensive solutions for automated security code review. The company pioneered the concept of a query language-based solution for identifying technical and logical code vulnerabilities.”
The company offers a smart and innovative product for the analysis of static JavaScript code. By taking all relevant information regarding the code itself as well as the evaluation results and placing it in one consolidated database, Checkmarx allows for the customization of scanning requirements to deliver the reports you need. “Whether your current focus is on adhering to a specific security standard, compliance with PCI DSS, or enforcement of best coding practices, the relevant preset can be applied to your code and a report presenting the findings can be created with the information you need,” the company adds.
On top of investing in a world-class security solution for your business, a partnership with Veracode guarantees access to some of the industry’s most esteemed experts on digital security. On top of providing sound strategic guidance and advice for developing a scalable program, this network remains on-hand to help launch your efficient remedy for JavaScript, not to mention the guaranteed remediation coaching you’ll receive in the event of flaws being found.
Veracode Static Analysis is a first-rate software engine that allows employees to keep pace with company deadlines and maintain a constant rate of corporate innovation. This ground-breaking product allows developers to identify and remediate flaws at break-neck pace, utilizing a comprehensive SaaS-based model to boost reliability with every use.
“Veracode’s patented technology analyzes major frameworks and languages without requiring source code, so you can assess the code you write, buy or download, and measure progress in a single platform,” the company website explains. “By integrating with your SDLC tool chain and providing one-on-one remediation advice, we enable your development team to write secure code. The Developer Sandbox feature enables engineers to test and fix code between releases without impacting their compliance status.”
*Some of the companies featured in this article are commercial partners of Tech Wire Asia
The post Best solutions for keeping JavaScript clean and secure appeared first on Tech Wire Asia.