
var please = require('share');
console.log('thank you');

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Thursday, 12 August, 2021 UTC

next: Use slugified titles for URL in Next.js with the Notion API

In this video we refactor the structure of our recipe details URL to use its slugified title, rather than its ID. In order to accomplish this, we use an npm library called `slugify`. This is a function that allows us to pass in a string in sentence form, ... more

Thursday, 12 August, 2021 UTC

next: Use slugified titles for URL in Next.js with the Notion API

In this video we refactor the structure of our recipe details URL to use its slugified title, rather than its ID. In order to accomplish this, we use an npm library called `slugify`. This is a function that allows us to pass in a string in sentence form, ... more

Wednesday, 4 August, 2021 UTC

supabase: Building a Full Stack App with Supabase and React

In this video, you'll learn how to build a full stack app with React, Supabase, and Postgres. We'll start by creating a new Supabase project, initializing a new PostgreSQL "posts" table, and adding rows for the post title and content. Next, ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Retrieve and Displaying User Details with User Subscriptions

Using the previous implementation, in this lesson we will retrieve the user name for each message as needed in our user interface and subscribe to updates. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Request User Details for a Given User Using Supabase's API

As you add to your application, you'll begin to build complex state representations that need to be managed. In this lesson, we'll manage a user store representing all the users in our chat application. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Request User Details for a Given User Using Supabase's API

As you add to your application, you'll begin to build complex state representations that need to be managed. In this lesson, we'll manage a user store representing all the users in our chat application. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Logout and Update Users with React and Supabase's upsert Method

In this lesson, we'll manage usernames for our live chat application by creating and managing React user interface elements that allow users to create and update a username. We'll also use Supebase's upsert method to update username's in our database. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Logout and Update Users with React and Supebase's upsert Method

In this lesson, we'll manage usernames for our live chat application by creating and managing React user interface elements that allow users to create and update a username. We'll also use Supebase's upsert method to update username's in our database. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Logout and Update Users with React and Supebase's upsert Method

In this lesson, we'll manage usernames for our live chat application by creating and managing React user interface elements that allow users to create and update a username. We'll also use Supebase's upsert method to update username's in our database. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Insert Submitted Data to Supabase Tables

In this lesson, we'll learn how to insert new data into our Supabase database. To do this, we'll allow user data to be submitted from our chat application, which will be sent to Supabase via the API. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Insert Submitted Data to Superbase Tables

In this lesson, we'll learn how to insert new data into our Supabase database. To do this, we'll allow user data to be submitted from our chat application, which will be sent to Supabase via the API. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Insert Submitted Data to Superbase Tables

In this lesson, we'll learn how to insert new data into our Supabase database. To do this, we'll allow user data to be submitted from our chat application, which will be sent to Supabase via the API. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Enable Realtime Only for Individual Tables using supabase_realtime

In this lesson, we'll look at patterns for enabling real-time on individual tables using the supabase_realtime publication function. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Enable Realtime Only for Individual Tables using supabase_realtime

In this lesson, we'll look at patterns for enabling real-time on individual tables using the supabase_realtime publication function. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Subscribe to Database Changes using Supabase's Realtime Client

In this lesson, we'll improve on our simple API request to Supabase by turning it into a subscription: a live-updating query that automatically subscribes to any new or changed data in our database. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Subscribe to Database Changes using Supabase's Realtime Client

In this lesson, we'll improve on our simple API request to Supabase by turning it into a subscription: a live-updating query that automatically subscribes to any new or changed data in our database. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Retrieve Data with a Supabase API Request

In this lesson, we'll make our first API request using Supabase, to retrieve data from our database. We'll see the power of Supabase's API documentation and easily find an example for retrieving all of the rows in our table. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Retrieve Data with a Supabase API Request

In this lesson, we'll make our first API request using Supabase, to retrieve data from our database. We'll see the power of Supabase's API documentation and easily find an example for retrieving all of the rows in our table. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Manage Third-Party Authorization Errors in Supabase

In this lesson, we'll go through the errors for authorization with supabase using a third party which in this case is GitHub. Also, we will set up the process of authorization as desire, either with a confirmation email or not, when logging in. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Manage Third-Party Authorization Errors in Supabase

In this lesson, we'll go through the errors for authorization with supabase using a third party which in this case is GitHub. Also, we will set up the process of authorization as desire, either with a confirmation email or not, when logging in. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Set up GitHub Authorization with Supabase

In this lesson, we'll integrate the GitHub provider to allow the users to log in with their GitHub credentials. We'll also build the UI for this authorization, which will take us to the third-party provider. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Set up GitHub Authorization with Supabase

In this lesson, we'll integrate the GitHub provider to allow the users to log in with their GitHub credentials. We'll also build the UI for this authorization, which will take us to the third-party provider. ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Set up a Login Page in Next.js with Supabase's auth.session()

In this lesson, we'll integrate supabase into a traditional frontend application, where we'll use it to set up a new authorization as well as building a basic login page with Next.js and Supabase's `auth.session()`. We'll use react hooks such as useEffect ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Set up a Login Page in Next.js with Supabase's auth.session()

In this lesson, we'll integrate supabase into a traditional frontend application, where we'll use it to set up a new authorization as well as building a basic login page with Next.js and Supabase's `auth.session()`. We'll use react hooks such as useEffect ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Set up a Supabase Client in Next.js

In this lesson, we'll create a new Next.js application, and add the Supabase client to our project. We'll also look at how Supabase authorizes applications using client keys, and cover some things you need to know about securely using Supabase in your ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Set up a Supabase Client in Next.js

In this lesson, we'll create a new Next.js application, and add the Supabase client to our project. We'll also look at how Supabase authorizes applications using client keys, and cover some things you need to know about securely using Supabase in your ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Use Triggers to Automatically Update Your Supabase Tables

In this lesson, we'll use Supabase's triggers functionality to automatically update data in our application when a user creates an account. Triggers are a powerful functionality of relational databases that allow us to minimize the amount of manual development ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Use Triggers to Automatically Update Your Supabase Tables

In this lesson, we'll use Supabase's triggers functionality to automatically update data in our application when a user creates an account. Triggers are a powerful functionality of relational databases that allow us to minimize the amount of manual development ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Configure Supabase Auth to Allow Users to Login with GitHub

In this lesson, we'll add support for "Login with GitHub" by using Supabase's auth functionality. We do that by setting up a new GitHub application. Supabase's [Auth documentation](https://supabase.io/docs/guides/auth#third-party-logins) has ... more

Monday, 2 August, 2021 UTC

javascript: Configure Supabase Auth to Allow Users to Login with GitHub

In this lesson, we'll add support for "Login with GitHub" by using Supabase's auth functionality. We do that by setting up a new GitHub application. Supabase's [Auth documentation](https://supabase.io/docs/guides/auth#third-party-logins) has ... more