Saturday, 6 February, 2021 UTC


The [useEffect]( hook provides a way for components to declaratively state side effects that need to be run. By modifying the dependency array you can simulate certain React lifecycle methods such as `constructor`/`componentDidMount` and `componentDidUpdate` and `componentWillUnmount`. The `useEffect` hook is always called after the first render of your component and then any time its dependencies change. ### Examples ``` componentDidMount() { fetchData(); } ``` Is functionally equivalent to: ``` useEffect(() => { fetchData(); }, []) ``` Likewise this common approach: ``` componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.someProp !== prevProps.someProp) { handleChange(); } } ``` Can be replaced with the following hook: ``` useEffect(() => { handleChange(); }, [someProp); ``` --- There is also a cleanup phase that happens with hooks. If you return a function inside of a hook it will be executed just before the function is unmounted. This is similar to the `componentWillUnmount` hook and is explained in detail here: