Monday, 4 September, 2023 UTC


We released WebStorm 2023.2, our second major update in 2023, just over a month ago. First of all, we’d like to thank every one of you that are already using it and providing us with feedback.
Today, we’ll give you a little look into what we’ve got planned for the next release of WebStorm, which is scheduled for the end of November, with our usual disclaimer that these plans are subject to change.
One of our main focuses with this release will be on solving existing pain points, especially around type-only imports, the TypeScript service, and monorepos. We’ll polish the new features, such as the improved error formatting and language server integrations. We’ll also be adding support for features from the new versions of the languages and frameworks that have been coming out. Performance improvements, especially around fixing freezes, are also planned. Here are the biggest things we have planned for WebStorm 2023.3:
  • Polishing recently added features in WebStorm. The previous release saw the introduction of a few really big new features, including the improved error formatting in TypeScript and JavaScript and language server support for Svelte and Vue language server. We’ll be improving and polishing these features over this release.
  • Support for new CSS features. CSS is undergoing somewhat of a renaissance at the moment, with lots of new features now being supported in the browsers. A big one we’ll include support for is the @property (WEB-60090) that represents a custom property registration in a stylesheet, allowing for property type checking, setting default values, and whether the property should inherit values.
  • Type-only import improvements. We’ll be looking at solving some of the frustrating import type issues in WebStorm. We’re planning to add a new option to the settings so you can use type-only import in import statements for type annotations and declarations regardless of settings in tsconfig.json (WEB-57056). We’ll also work on the issue of adding import type statements (WEB-57058 and WEB-59752).
  • JavaScript and TypeScript enhancements. We’ll be extending our TypeScript support to process export fields defined in package.json for the imports feature and navigation so that it works like it does in JavaScript (WEB-60536). We’ll work on better support for Find Usages and refactoring across modules (WEB-37907). We’ll also allow creating .jsx files via the New | JavaScript File option and add the option to automatically include parenthesis for a single argument lambda on type (WEB-58835).
  • Better monorepo experience.There will be a redesign of the Run and Debug context menu and configuration names. This should result in a more user-friendly process as they won’t be created with the same names, which can be really inconvenient when you are in monorepos (WEB-59713). We’re also going to provide a better experience when you open projects in a monorepo separately. This is a pain point we’ve wanted to address for a while now (WEB-50009).
  • Support for new Vue features. We’ll be continuing to add better support for Vue 3 with the addition of three long-awaited features. Improvements include resolve and completion for properties with defineExpose (WEB-56696), support for defineSlots (WEB-61142), and auto-suggesting importing a component based on the name of the component as defined by the defineOptions function (WEB-61481).
  • Support for new Angular features. We’ll be adding support for the new upcoming features from Angular such as signals in WebStorm 2023.3.
  • Overall performance. We’re always dedicated to improving the performance of WebStorm – this release is no different. We’re looking into various performance issues in our tracker, too (WEB-58740).
That’s all for now! As you can see, we have set some huge goals for this release, and we hope we can achieve them all. Stay tuned for the start of the Early Access Program!
The WebStorm team