Wednesday, 26 December, 2018 UTC


The Vue CLI 3.0 is here and brings many new features and changes for users of Vue.js. The CLI has been completely rewritten, now builds on Webpack 4 and brings a modular plugin system. What’s new?
16 Beta Versions and 12 Release Candidates: Now the Vue CLI 3.0 is ready and ready for use in own projects. Compared to version 2, there are many new features in the CLI. According to Evan You, inventor of Vue.js, the Vue CLI revision has two main goals: to keep configuration costs low, even when many CLI tools are combined. In addition, the Vue CLI 3.0 is designed to integrate as many best practices into the toolchain as possible, now and in the future. This should make the CLI the default for all Vue apps, so you.
Vue CLI 3: Modular Plugin System
One of the key innovations concerns the plugin system. Previously, they worked with ready-made templates, now there are individual plug-ins available that allow a modular structure of your own project setups with the necessary toolchain. Own project setup presets can be published on GitHub and made available to other developers. The optionally integrated tools and features currently include, for example, TypeScript, as well as a plugin for creating PWAs and ESLint. Also the Vue router and VueX are now available as plugins via the Vue CLI.
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The Vue CLI 3.0 builds on Webpack 4 and comes with some pre-configured features from Webpack. For example, Evan You’s blog post for the release of the new version of the CLI features hot module replacement, code splitting, tree-shaking, error overlays, and efficient long-term caching. In addition, the Vue CLI 3 works with Babel 7, so it supports transpiling to ES2017, as well as initial features of ES2018.

The highlights: Vue.js CLI 3.0

You also mentioned the support for PostCSS and some other new features as highlights of the release. These highlights include the Modern Mode, which delivers native ES2017 + bundles and parallel legacy versions for older browsers. The multi-page fashion is one of the highlights that You named. This can be used to create apps with multiple HTML / JS entry points. Build Targets, another new feature, allow the creation of single-file components in Vue that are placed in a library or native Web Component.
Details of the new features can be found in the blog post for the release of Evan You. Further information can be found in the Changelog on GitHub. The upgrade process is described in the documentation.

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