Friday, 31 May, 2019 UTC


Flutter: a Portable UI Framework for Mobile, Web, Embedded, and Desktop #
Google I/O every year brings a lot of exciting news in the software and hardware world. One of the coolest one is Flutter that is no longer a tool to build efficient multi-platform mobile applications but also for Web and desktop platforms. I have a very little experience with this Dart-based framework but I am extremely keen to have a great purpose to get my hands dirty with it. Some time ago React Native would be me my platform of choice to build a mobile app. Things changed — thanks to Flutter.
Announcing WSL 2 #
Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) instead of emulating the API of Linux kernel, will be shipped with optimized for size and performance Linux. Like every other Linux distributions, this will live on GitHub ready for open source contributions. The first preview of WSL 2 is due to ship in June 2019.
Introducing Windows Terminal #
Microsoft comes with lots of love and care for developers and power users. Next to WSL 2, another big announcement is new, modern, fast, efficient, powerful, and productive terminal application for users of command-line tools and shells. If you like beautiful pictures just watch this sweet promo video.
CodeSandbox Raises $2.4M Seed Round led by Kleiner Perkins #
I had a pleasure to meet Ives van Hoorne on typeof conference in March. This young and extremely talented dude built a CodeSandbox because he was bored on Java lectures at uni. Today CodeSandbox raises $2.4M and I am really looking forward to the future of this amazing tool. Every single time I use it, it welcomes me with a bunch of new powerful features. Keep on doing amazing job CodeSandbox team!
Google Fonts supports setting font-display #
Thanks Addy for this amazing news! We have been waiting for this feature for ages. No more tricky fonts loading strategies for all Google Fonts users.
Shipped! @GoogleFonts now let's you control web font loading using `font-display`. Say hello to the `display` parameter 🎉

What's font-display?
— Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) May 15, 2019
Hands-on with Portals: seamless navigations on the Web #
One of the most appealing parts of SPAa (single page applications) are the transitions between pages. New HTML portal tag opens this feature to MPAs (multi page applications). I am surprised how easy it is to implement and use. I cannot wait to see this feature used in the wild.
Introducing GitHub Package Registry #
Looks like Microsoft is planning to standardize the way how package managers work an keep them closer to the source code of our projects — on GitHub. I am very curious about this idea and cannot wait for more information to be revealed soon. The waitlist for GitHub Package Registry is now open.
AWS Lambda adds support for Node.js v10 #
After release of node version 8.10 in AWS Lambda runtime more than a year ago, it is a good time to update to version 10.x. For me the biggest feature of Node 10.x is a new version of npm that comes with some powerful features. In node by itself there is a lot new things related with error handling, native add-ons, HTTP protocol improvements and a massive performance boost.
W3C and the WHATWG signed an agreement to collaborate on a single version of HTML and DOM #
A single version of the HTML and DOM specifications is a result of an agreement between W3C and the WHATWG. Since now on, HTML and DOM Living Standards are going to be maintained by WHATWG on community-facing repositories. “W3C and WHATWG to work together to advance the open Web platform” by Jeff Jaffe goes in depth about the further collaboration.