Sunday, 30 June, 2019 UTC


WWDC19 - Apple Developer #
Annual Apple event for developers brought lots of great things. My top highlights are: SwiftUI, Apple as an identity provider (login with Apple) and this little section of docs about changing the default shell on your Mac to zsh. I highly encourage all developers interested in this ecosystem to watch at least an opening ceremony.
Plugins are coming to Figma #
Sketch plugin ecosystem is an incredible place to find a little code snippets to boost our workflow — similar concept is coming to Figma. Built with technologies that we all know and like (HTML & JavaScript) we can start building plugins for Figma. Let’s do it!
Firefox: The Evolution Of A Brand #
Firefox has always been a browsers. Great one, fast, reliable. It is time for a change and Firefox becomes a brand. A family brand for multiple security and privacy oriented products: browser, encrypted tool to exchange huge files, password manager and a data breach guard. Announcement of range of new products is a great opportunity to present to the world a new branding.