Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 UTC


The problem is there are no simple ‘right’ answers for most Web design questions. What works is a good, integrated design that fills a need – carefully thought out, well-executed, and tested.” – Steve Krug.
So, websites with impressive UI can leave an indelible impression on users’ minds. But when there’s a need for building a responsive frontend at speed, the quality gets compromised. No business wants it at all. That’s where UI frameworks are the biggest savior.
Do you want to get built a web app design in the minimum time? Looking for the best UI frameworks to speed up front-end development? Unsure about which UI frameworks are good to choose? If so, in this blog all of your questions concerning React.JS UI frameworks are answered.
React.JS UI frameworks are built on top of HTML, CSS, and JS technologies which eliminate the need for frontend coding and enable controlling how User Interface (UI) would look like. React.JS- one of the frontends JS libraries facilitates responsive, highly-compatible, and customizable interface creation. Tech giants are using React.JS UI frameworks at scale because:
  • It’s efficient
  • It’s secure
  • It’s cheaper
  • It’s responsive
  • It’s cross-browser compatible
  • It makes the big projects easier to manage
Ultimately, React.JS UI frameworks help businesses accomplish their objectives with the least time and effort invested. Plus, customization that adds a unique touch to web design is guaranteed. All of these benefits have made top React.JS developers embrace UI frameworks to meet the business need for rapid web app development. Let’s understand React.JS UI libraries in a nutshell.
What is the React.JS UI framework?
React.JS is a collection of pre-built UI components that enables the development of frontend for React.JS applications quickly. It includes a wide range of UI components such as tables, forms, buttons, navigation menus, and more that are built following standard principles and design guidelines. Thereby developers can create attractive UIs faster without needing to create them from scratch.
We will look at the best React.JS UI frameworks that help in getting a visually appealing UI design. Let’s dig deeper to know each UI framework in detail.
Top 20 React.JS UI frameworks that facilitate UI creation in the minimum time
UI frameworks have changed the game of front-end development. So is the case with React.JS UI frameworks. Take a sneak peek inside at the popular React.JS UI frameworks.

React Bootstrap

React Bootstrap is one of the age-old React UI frameworks used for building interfaces rapidly. This UI framework is built on top of Bootstrap core, but Bootstrap’s JS is replaced with React. Switching to React provides more control over functions and components. The UI kit is highly compatible with hundreds of Bootstrap themes, thus making it the world’s largest UI ecosystem.
It removes the Bootstrap.js and jQuery dependencies need in the code and facilitate importing components separately from the library. It conclusively helps in accelerated development, less coding, and improved stability. The best thing about React Bootstrap is it allows the creation of a prototype on the backend and viewing it on the frontend.

When to use React Bootstrap?

  • Meet the custom Bootstrap need
  • Require CSS support
  • When SAAS and NPM required

Material UI

This UI framework comprises pre-built themes and material components adhering to Google material design standard that allows the creation of stunning interfaces. It provides tools for sliders, navigation, drop-and-down, and others and customizable APIs/components that help with native web app development.
Besides, the CSS-based modules, interoperability between styling components, and automatic color changes help create modernized UIs for React web app development. What’s more? The community of massive front-end developers helps React developers resolve their concerns around UI designing and makes them understand documentation extensively.

When to use Material UI?

  • Need responsive components
  • Advanced themes required
  • Customizability is the need of the hour 

Semantic UI React

Semantic UI is a jQuery method independent that doesn’t have virtual DOM. The UI framework seamlessly integrates with React.JS to facilitate a custom library of UI components, which makes front-end development a breeze. It features unique components that enable responsive web page development and subcomponents that provide improved control over markup.
There’s an auto-controlled state favored for the optimal utilization of components. It’s highly leveraged for CSS style sheet designing in conjunction with the React.JS framework.

When to use Semantic UI React?

  • A range of CSS variables is required
  • A lot of options for UI elements
  • Laser focus on human-friendly UI
  • Cross-browser compatibility

React Redux

The most popular redux library works seamlessly with a set of frameworks, say- React, angular, and other JS frameworks. Writing and editing code and connecting code to various components becomes possible when the redux library is used with React as a UI framework. So, React redux is known as a component library that supports middleware.
When the components’ values need to change, the interface automatically fetches, updates, and displays the changed values. There are numerous DevTools that help in viewing state changes and maintaining logs.

When to use React Redux?

  • Solid code-testing capability
  • Server-side rendering
  • Centralized state management system
  • Simplified app architecture 

Blueprint UI

Blueprint UI is one of the best React UI frameworks known for desktop app and data-intensive web app development. The CSS library of various components and options for minimal coding made the UI toolkit perfect for designing complex UIs. The easy-to-use and intuitive multi-touch interface has improved the usability and user experience.
Many core components such as tables, icons, date-time, navigation, and forms are reusable and reduce the designing time. Dark and light-themed modes and different custom design elements work as extra cherries on the cake.

When to use Blueprint UI?

  • Component reusability
  • Extensive documentation
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • User experience delivery 

Material Kit React

When it comes to choosing the best React.JS UI framework, the material UI kit stands at the top of the list. Material Kit UI framework based on Google material design principle facilitates consistency throughout the app irrespective of the number of elements used. The basic design elements that help with front-end development are buttons, navigation menus, tabs, badges, and more.
React library enables customizing the color, size, and style of the design elements. This way a new web application’s frontend can be designed with precision. Opting for the pro version of the UI framework facilitates enhancing UI with advanced components. Not only new JS projects are created, but Bootstrap projects are also restyled.

When to use the Material Kit React?

  • Responsive layout creation
  • File sharing in less than KB gzipped
  • Community support
  • Easy access to theme values 

React Admin

You cannot overlook React admin UI framework when there’s a mention of the best React.JS UI frameworks. React UI boasts of getting built from Redux, Material UI, React Final Form, and React Router. It facilitates a high degree of design customization required for building B2B admin applications using extensible APIs.
The pro version of the UI framework enables access to advanced modules needed for enterprise solutions wherein free components are not enough. Multiple layout options and support for various authentication providers make it a good fit for comprehensive apps. The active community of developers has kept React admin framework up-to-date in sync with design trends.

 When to use React Admin?

  • Optimistic rendering leads to high performance
  • High adaptability with backends
  • Support for internationalization
  • The breadth of the customization facility


The developers-friendly UI framework doesn’t have a component library. Instead, it’s leveraged for developing independent UI components for several technologies and platforms, and React is one. Storybook framework speed up UI development by allowing dedicated web app developers to work on a single component.
What separates Storybook from other React js frameworks is its capability that allows developers to reuse components and auto-test components for a flawless design. It facilitates add-ons that help in improving accessibility, enhancing responsiveness, and more. The Storybook is the best for building clean, fast, and efficient UI.

When to use the Storybook framework?

  • Seamlessly integrates with React apps
  • Hot reloading module
  • Built-in support for Typescript and CSS
  • Storybook deployment as a static app
  • Compatibility with other frameworks
  • Default webpack configuration 

Ant Design

No one will forget the Ant design framework in the best React.JS frameworks list, that’s known for the best UI components creation. It’s a CSS framework that provides a design library and GUI design for world-class front-end development. Ant design is loaded with design elements that are easy to integrate, customizable themes, tools, and more than 50 components used with React for building enterprise apps.
Responsive components that auto-adjust layout, size, and style according to users’ device and screen size distinguish the framework. Developer-friendly API and support for multi-language enable building apps for worldwide users. Over 100 businesses globally used Ant design for frontend development projects.

When to use the Ant Design framework?

  • Support for TypeScript
  • Hundreds of themes
  • Flexible design for enterprise apps

Chakra UI

The next framework that’s worth mentioning in the React.JS UI framework list is Chakra UI. This framework has React component library that enables reusing customizable components which leads to speed up development. Besides, the accessible UI components diminish the time to write the code for building the front-end. If required, developers can create new components effortlessly.
The range of themes, components, and dark and light UI options enable the creation of a graphics-rich frontend. The support for dark and light modes improves the web app’s accessibility for users with disabilities.

When to use the Chakra UI framework?

  • Components reusability
  • Uses CSS in JS
  • Active community to solve concerns
  • Accelerate development 

Fluent UI

The UI framework previously referred to as Fabric React UI library, includes components similar to MS Office and compatible with Microsoft products. The pre-built UI components of the Fluent framework used for web development are notifications, navigation menus, inputs, and others. The breadth of customization capability and easy integration with React apps have made Fluent the best for front-end development.
What’s more? The support for different devices- Android devices, iOS devices, desktops, and cross-platform compatibility make the UI framework- the best fit for cross-platform app development.

When to use a Fluent UI framework?

  • Design language renders the best user experience
  • Offers adaptive styling
  • Support for cross-platform development

Evergreen UI

The framework received over ten thousand stars on GitHub and remains an evergreen option for front-end development with more than 30 components. The CSS library includes React modules with React Primitive for high flexibility.
Built-in components based on Primitive React UI- are handled by smart algorithms for spacing and alignment. The Figma library combined with classic themes for new component creation in CSS. Evergreen UI updated for creating user-friendly UIs. The latest theme API update facilitated improved accessibility and customization.

When to use the Evergreen UI framework?

  • Dynamic form components
  • Best server-side rendering required
  • Offer flexibility in UI development 

React Toolbox

This UI toolkit in the web app developers’ arsenal for implementing Google’s material design principles is good. React toolbox facilitates module bundler utilization but seamless integration with webpack workflow takes things up a notch. Playing with components is also feasible with an in-browser editor.
React toolbox features components have all the themes and dependencies bundled while used for UI development. It means themes are provided to components through properties for optimal styling.

When to use React Toolbox?

  • Customizable components
  • Modular architecture
  • Support responsiveness
  • Features in-browser editor 

React Virtualized

Are you looking for a UI framework that can handle data-intensive front-end inputs? If so, your design toolkit is incomplete without React virtualized framework. The UI frameworks can handle heavy datasets using reusable components. The large data rendered in the form of tables, grids, and lists are optimized using the windowing technique.
React virtualized features utilities and helper functions that enable UI pattern creation like- responsive design, infinite scrolling, and more. Additionally, visualization techniques facilitate rendering only those elements required to display on the screen.

When to use React Virtualized?

  • Flexible API for component customization
  • Active community support
  • Support responsive design 

React Router

Do you want to build a single-page web application with dynamic routing required? React router meets the need with its ability to determine application routes with the help of JSX. With its library for React, a complex navigational structure created for single-page applications. The code splitting feature of React router enables loading only required components from a defined route, which improves the app’s performance.
Support for the browser’s history management enables web app navigation with browsers’ back and forward buttons.

When to use React Router?

  • Build single-page apps
  • Reduce initial loading time
  • Hierarchical navigational structure 

Vechai UI

The UI framework is a new kid on the React.JS UI framework block that provides a variety of themes and dynamic colors to customize components and build world-class designs using create-React-app. The React component library includes media, icons, data display, forms, navigation, cards, and more built using Tailwind CSS.
It also has pre-designed headless UI and radix UI components that are easily accessible and continuously evolving with more projects started using the Vechai UI framework.

When to use the Vechai UI framework?

  • Powerful theme customization
  • Written in Typescript
  • Accessible components
  • Built-in dark mode 


Do you want responsive and intuitive UI development using React, js framework? The CSS framework- Grommet integrated with React projects, creating advanced themes becomes possible. The dynamic layout, attractive themes, simplicity, and high accessibility enhance the overall UI development process.
Grommet also has a library of components to tailor UIs with colors, layouts, media options, and other controls. The W3C support makes the UI design accessible for disabled users.

When to use the Grommet framework?

  • Modular design
  • Powerful theming system
  • Responsive components
  • User-centric design 

Elemental UI

Are you looking for a modular set of UI components and controls that natively implement React.JS functionalities? Elemental UI framework comes to the rescue. The framework provides a set of unopinionated and functional components packed with flexible theme and style capabilities. It’s made by Thinkmill to get a framework installed from npm and developed right into projects using webpack or Browserify.
Standing on the top of CSS libraries like- Bootstrap, Elemental UI is customized using LESS to solve real-world UI issues. The project is under development and used in Node.JS CMS keystone.JS followed by component APIs that are also in an experimental state.

When to use Elemental UI?

  • Native implementation of React patterns
  • Default style and flexible theming system
  • A high degree of customization

Shards React

Shards React framework is mentioned whenever there’s a talk about fast-performance UI framework in the top React.JS frameworks list. The ability to download source files enables making changes at scale. Thereby it’s possible to create a modern design with customization to the code level.
Based on Bootstrap 4, Shards packed with ten custom components and two pre-built landing pages with stylesheets weighing less than 13 kb are allowing developers to start effortlessly. Enhanced colors, typography, icon packs, form controls, cards, sliders, and date pickers help in creating a design.

When to use Shards React?

  • Two free landing pages for a quick start
  • Enhance design contrast and accessibility
  • Place icon in any element hassle-free
  • Over 350 components for custom design
How to choose one that will suit your project?
Undoubtedly, React.JS technology is known for building high-end web apps’ front-end. React.JS UI frameworks leverage for web applications bring a wide range of benefits- from faster development and design consistency to cross-platform compatibility, high accessibility, and high quality. The brief description of the top 20 React.JS UI frameworks helps you know about UI frameworks that are highly used.
However, selecting the best UI framework for React development project is vital for the web app development journey. Connect and hire React.JS developers with experience that helps you choose the best UI framework based on a clear understanding of the app’s requirements, business goals, and the app’s architecture.
This way, you can harness the maximum potential of the React.JS framework and get built dynamic applications in the least time and effort investment. Let’s get started!
The post Top 20 React.JS UI Frameworks That Accelerate Frontend Development appeared first on Flatlogic Blog.