2015-2018: PWA, The Extensible Web, and deeper integration eraIn 2015, we experienced a fundamental change in how we thought about integrating capabilities into the web platform. The Extensible Web manifesto asked browser engineers to consider a layered platform that offered lower-level primitives that were easier to explain, more efficient to implement, and allowed web developers to easily build higher-level abstractions, thus increasing the cadence and availability of compelling new features. Service Worker is an example of building on these APIs to follow these principles. Service Worker is a small piece of JavaScript that sits between the browser and the network, and lets the developer decide what to do with any web requests.
The combination of Service Worker and a handful of new APIs allowed marked the beginning of the Progressive Web Apps (PWA) era. PWAs are high-quality sites that combine the reach of the web with the user expectations that come with native platforms. Specifically, PWAs are...
- Fast—they load instantly
- Reliable—they never show the “downasaur,” even in uncertain network conditions, by taking advantage of the Service Worker and Cache APIs
- Engaging—they respond quickly to user interactions with silky-smooth animations and no janky scrolling
- Capable—the sites feel like natural extensions on the device, with immersive user experiences provided by features such as “fullscreen” and standalone mode through Web App Manifest; they deliver capabilities for meeting specific business goals, such as re-engagement through the Add to Homescreen feature and Web Push notifications
As PWAs became more established, so did the capabilities of the platform. The Background Sync API brought increased opportunities for developers to improve the resilience of their applications. We also got a better understanding of the network capabilities with extensions to the Network Information API.
Pointer Events, a critical component for any web site or app, came to Chrome after a long wait. Pointer Events presented a unified model for handling all forms of gesture-based input, ranging from touch to pens to mouse pointers.
In 2017, deeper integration of web apps with the host operating system and secure access to devices around the user arrived..
The Image Capture and Media Capture APIs provided full-frame access and control over a phone camera, as well as from other input sources such as a canvas. The Web Share API let sites share data directly with the operating system’s native sharing systems.
The Web Bluetooth API let a user securely select a Bluetooth LE device and have a webpage interact with the device. The Web USB API enabled the same level of connectivity, but to devices connected to the user's machine.
WebAssembly (WASM) opens up many possibilities. It brings a runtime that can execute code at near-native performance. Plus, it opens a new world of experiences on the web by letting developers use existing codebases built for other platforms on the web platform.
Web VR came to the web at roughly the same time it came to native platforms. It let us deliver immersive experiences without installing an app, significantly reducing the gap between a new native primitive arriving on platforms and being available across the web platform.
Forward to the futureWe’re excited about the possibilities of the web platform. The web can (and should) be feature-rich, but new capabilities don't always have to be more complex. Web development should be predictable, manageable, and pain-free. Coming APIs such as Feature Policy are great examples of additions that will help developers create amazing sites in a more predictable way, and provide more control and customization over the UX of certain browser features. Feature Policy is the browser's built-in guide rails to help web developers avoid common pitfalls and use best practices.
Layered APIs is another initiative that we're excited about. With it, developers will be able to load and use high-level features shipped directly into the browser as JS modules. For example, instead of building a custom virtualize-scrolling component, developers can just import and use <virtual-scroller> in a site. Layered APIs can be quickly iterated on by the standards bodies and implemented by browser vendors, and will help create a pay-as-you-go standard library for the web. And looking further, the Houdini and Web XR APIs will radically change experiences we can build on and with the web.
Over the last 10 years, we’ve seen a massive increase in the rate at which new primitives and capabilities can be introduced to the web. We can thank all the browser vendors for their continued work to create and iterate on specs, using streamlined processes like those defined by the WICG and based on the principles in the Extensible Web Manifesto. We’ll continue our commitment to work with browser vendors and the developer ecosystem to prioritize features that users need, and to ensure that those capabilities arrive in a “webby” way. By doing so, we can uphold our original mission, while also prioritizing user safety, discoverability, instant access, and universal reach for everyone on the planet.
Here’s to the future of an even-more-capable open web.
Posted by Paul Kinlan, the Wizzy Web Warrior.