Thursday, 27 July, 2017 UTC


Here is a list of good resources you can use if you are building a new assistant app or any other Action on Google.
If you love to jump into code and try it for yourself, jump to the code labs section below or just browse (and clone) our samples on Github.
Google Home and Google Assistant Google Home
Google Assistant
Videos about Conversation Actions Building Assistant Actions using API.AI
Introduction to Conversation Actions and building your first assistant app
Documentation and tools Actions on Google documentation
Resources for designers and how to improve you voice design
API.AI – Start with this tool that will save you a lot of work with its NLP capabilities.
Web simulator – When it’s time to test your new app, this simulator will help you a lot. It’s easy to use it and you can try to talk (and not just type) to it and see what will be the results in the real world.
Code samples – You can take some ideas and best practices from these examples.
Ask Questions Stack Overflow (actions-on-google) – We have a great community in Stack Overflow. They are true expert and it’s a great place to ask for help.
Actions on Google Developers G+ Community – This is a growing community (~3k members).
You can share knowledge and keep yourself updated on the rapid changes we see in this technology platform.
@actionsongoogle – Yes! We are on twitter as well. Please don’t be a stranger.
Code labs – A code lab that will show you how to leverage API.AI and your own servers (with web hooks). You can also try the code. – A code lab that is short and sweet and as a bonus you might find some good jokes.
Samples Actions on Google at GitHub with lots of NodeJS examples.

Filed under: bots Tagged:, google assistant, google home