Wednesday, 15 November, 2023 UTC


Safari Technology Preview Release 183 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.
This release includes WebKit changes between: 269634@main…270233@main.


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed exposing the correct <summary> element role. (270231@main) (13661104)
  • Fixed slow VoiceOver focus and navigation on extremely long <textarea> or contenteditable fields. (270066@main) (117114220)
  • Fixed Play Animation and Pause Animation animated image context menu items sometimes not appearing after setting toggle. (269878@main) (117215059)
  • Fixed <details> and <summary> elements not included in VoiceOver form controls menu or list. (269643@main) (117308226)
  • Fixed comboboxes not notifying assistive technologies when aria-activedescendant changes. (270182@main) (117747058)
  • Fixed toggling accessibility preferences to correctly update form control appearance. (270221@main) (117914468)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed clipping the “Strong Password” button after selecting “Suggest New Password”. (270068@main) (113701243)


New Features

  • Added basic support for text-wrap: balance and text-wrap-style property. (269680@main) (117336969)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed CSS grid support for last baseline alignment in the column axis for subgrid items with non-orthogonal ancestors. (269781@main) (116484865)
  • Fixed text-decoration-thickness to support percentages. (269886@main) (116985587)
  • Fixed computing the definite free space of grid rows when the grid has an aspect-ratio and definite logical width. (270098@main) (117138268)
  • Fixed CSS grid to synthesize the central baseline of grid items in the column axis. (269857@main) (117424263)
  • Fixed serialization for CSS highlight pseudo-elements. (270146@main) (117864974)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed dir=auto to work for hidden, password, submit, reset, and button input types, made dirname work for password and submit input types, and removed dirname support from number input types. (269711@main) (113127508)


New Features

  • Added support for the allow-downloads directive for frames. (109414664)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed <link rel="stylesheet" disabled> to fully clear the stylesheet. (269753@main) (114736719)
  • Fixed the system-ui font family within <canvas>. (117231545)


New Features

  • Added support for ArrayBuffer.prototype.transfer. (269674@main) (117337535)
  • Aligned the implementation of the internal function IntlMathematicalValue (used in Number.prototype.toLocaleString, and Intl.NumberFormat) with its current specification. (269825@main) (117535507)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an edge case in the semantics of for loops. (269653@main) (44730906)
  • Fixed an edge case with detecting a semantic error in generators. (269801@main) (117497786)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed canplay event to fire for video elements where the first sample’s presentation time is slightly greater than 0. (269689@main) (105169372)
  • Fixed WebVTT to treat negative percentages as invalid values. (269882@main) (117615681)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed a bug where swapping to Safari from another app (or tab) would flash black. (269776@main) (116530284)
  • Fixed a bug where the returned transform from getComputedStyle was incorrect. (269920@main) (117523629)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed scrolling on nested pointer-events: auto inside pointer-events: none. (270094@main) (110954175)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the motion path anchor point used for SVG when the transform-box is not the view-box. (269642@main) (108285569)
  • Fixed: Added strokeContains optimization. (269745@main) (117439322)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed CSS invoked URL parsing to always use UTF-8 as agreed by the W3C CSS WG. (270169@main) (114889625)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed showPicker() method to trigger suggestions from a datalist. (269981@main) (116017782)
  • Fixed declarative shadow trees to match the latest specifications. (269976@main) (117655691)
  • Fixed jiggling caused by repeated calls to scrollIntoView({ block: 'center' }). (270160@main) (117755250)

Web Inspector

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed file drag-and-drop behavior in the Network tab. (270108@main) (114311077)


Resolved Issues

  • Fixed Canvas WebGL context capture to WebCodecsVideoFrame not capturing all frames. (269757@main) (108459224)
  • Fixed: Improved performance of MSAA rendering, including antialiased default framebuffer and fixed PBO uploads of PVRTC1 textures. (269810@main) (117461678)