Retool is the fast way to build internal tools
Retool is the fast way to build internal tools. Visually design apps that interface with any database or API. Switch to code nearly anywhere to customize how your apps look and work. With Retool, you ship more apps and move your business forward—all in less time.
this week's favorite
Can custom component replace inline conditional JSX?
The difference between conditionally rendering content in JSX and a custom React component is easily confused, I tried to explain how different they are by playing & experimenting with both types of examples.
Notes about React 18 RC.0
I studied React’s excellent test suite and compared test reports between React 17 and 18-rc.0 and gathered what I learned from the tests, relevant blog posts and discussions in this note.
A complete guide to the amplify React authentication components
A few weeks ago, the team I work on, AWS Amplify, launched brand new authentication components for React, Vue, and Angular. I want to give you a quick tour of what you can do with these components from enabling backend authentication to simple frontend flows, to more complex, customized setups.
Most polluted cities in United States with React 18
This app was written from the group up using the release candidate for React 18. It uses all the latest features including Suspense that have been introduced in React 18.
Building the real app with React query
In this article, Georgii Perepecho explains the most common React Query features that you need to be familiar with when creating a real-life application that is stable when testing.