A Quick Guide to Dropdown Menus With React
Dropdowns are everywhere! This blog explores some of the key dropdown types and form components you can chose from - all through implementation examples and real-life use cases. Check it out.
this week's favorite
Taming the beast that is CSS-in-JS
CSS-in-JS is awesome. When it was gaining traction I remember how freeing it was to use it – in a time when custom properties weren't widely available they allowed us to create rich dynamic experiences right inside JavaScript! Even better consuming a component library from NPM without needing inane bundler configuration was made into a reality, just import and go!
Why react hooks shouldn’t be called conditionally
State management in react hooks behaves like arrays. State lives one level outside of react components being rendered.
How to learn React - The effective way
At this point of time, when you have learned JavaScript essentials, it is time for you to dive into React. You can start learning React by taking a look at React Official Docs or by taking their React Official Tutorial to get some idea of how React works. React Docs are very well written covering the fundamentals of React. Learn these topics very well to understand React fundamentally.
Fetching data with React hooks
The idea of this post is to introduce the basic concepts necessary to consume apis using the React hooks. We will start with the simplest solutions and end up implementing a custom hook that can be reused within our app.
React polymorphic components with TypeScript
A polymorphic component is a popular React pattern. Even if you’ve never heard of it, you most likely encountered it in code. In a nutshell, the pattern lets you specify which HTML tag to use for rendering your component using as prop.