Wednesday, 20 May, 2020 UTC


<< Introduction
@npmcli/arborist is the dependency tree manager for npm, new in npm v7. It provides facilities for doing nearly everything that npm does with package trees, and fully replaces large parts of the npm CLI codebase.
Way back in the summer of 2019, I stumbled upon and wrote about an old bug buried deep in npm’s read-package-tree module. At the time, I was just trying to work out why npm install was so much slower than npm ci, and if there was anything that could be done about it. Stumbling across that weird old bug, and seeing the refactoring required to fix it, is what led eventually to Arborist.
hold on to your butts
In the introduction to this series, we outlined a list of topics that will be explored. Many of the features and changes in npm v7 are related to the refactor to use Arborist for all of npm’s tree management work.
Since so much depends on this design, today we’ll be laying the groundwork by exploring the what, why, and how of this new package management engine.
If technical deep dives aren’t your thing, and you just want to know the cool new feature stuff, feel free to skip this one :)
tl;dr - What Does This Mean For Me?
If you like to get your hands in the npm CLI codebase, then familiarity with Arborist’s concepts and interfaces will be useful. As we’re putting it through its paces fast and furious in npm v7 development, the docs are somewhat lagging, and my hope is that this post provides a good primer for future contributors.
If you don’t touch the npm CLI codebase itself, but you do maintain other tools that do things with package trees and node_modules folders, then you might get a lot of value out of using Arborist.
If neither of these things apply to you, then the short answer is: better performance, more predictability, faster feature delivery, and fewer bugs. I can’t overstate how nice it is to be working with a re-architected tree management system, redesigned with the benefit of a decade of hindsight.
Links and Realpaths
At the risk of rehashing that old blog post, the core problem, which has led to a lot of excess work and bugfixing in the npm CLI codebase, is that read-package-tree did not properly differentiate between symlinked dependencies and regular installed dependencies, when creating the logical tree of nodes.
Because the Node.js module system does differentiate between symlinks and real paths, always loading dependencies based on the require()-ing module’s real path, this led to a lot of rather complicated workarounds to get things right over the years, with the codebase becoming ever more difficult to maintain as it grew.
Coming across that bug filled me with the distinct mix of dread and excitement that comes from realizing that you’ve been going in the wrong direction for a long time, and now get to start over.
Folder Tree, Dependency Graph
It’s tempting to refer to a “dependency tree” when discussing package management. However, in practice, the relationships between dependencies is not strictly a tree but a graph. It has cycles and overlapping relationships, so a single node can play multiple roles within the system.
When the graph is put on disk for a given program, of course, it’s reified down to a discrete tree of files on disk, which are loaded at run time and form a graph of modules in the program itself.
A big part of the job of a package manager is to take a set of declarations about dependency constraints, find a graph that solves the constraints, and then reify that graph onto disk such that the resulting program will load the right things. Depending on the limits and features of the module system, this might require squashing the dependency graph down to a single instance of each dependency name, or in the case of JavaScript, figuring out what packages need to be nested under a node_modules folder such that they will override a dependency by the same name further up the folder tree.
Building the tree to satisfy the dependency graph is what Arborist does.
Edges as First Class Citizen
Prior approaches to this problem in npm tended to represent the tree of nested packages on disk as an object containing child objects. Determining if a dependency was met was then a matter of walking up the tree to find the first node by that name.
While this makes intuitive sense, and elegantly models the resulting reified folder structure, it also has a few problems.
First, the logic about satisfying dependency constraints was sort of smeared out all over the place. If a package depends on [email protected], it’s easy enough to walk up the tree and find it, and when there was a single kind of dependency in npm, this was sufficient for most purposes.
However, peerDependencies are only allowed at or above the same level as the dependent package (except for top-of-tree nodes), optionalDependencies can be missing (but can’t be a different version if present), devDependencies are only installed for the root, git dependencies are only valid if they came from the same source, and so on. Once we started deduping the tree in npm v3, this all got much harder to reason about.
If we want to do something like npm prune --no-optional, then we have to find all the nodes in the tree that are only required by virtue of being an optional dependency. Ie, all optional dependencies, and their dependencies, and so on.
While representing the dependency set as a tree is easy to load from disk, and translates nicely to the set of packages on disk, it makes it very complicated to go from a node in the tree and ask “if I remove all optional dependencies, will I still need this?”, or even provide an answer to the question “what other nodes in the tree are depending on this one?” The limitations of this data structure meant that we had to walk the package tree numerous times throughout the lifecycle of a given npm command, which was part of the reason why npm install was significantly slower than npm ci.
The approach taken in Arborist represents the relationship between two dependency nodes as a discrete category of “thing”. Each node in the dependency set is referenced by the Node class (or in the case of symlinked packages, the Link class). Dependency relationships are represented by an Edge class.
A Node object has an edgesOut property that maps package names to dependency relationships. For example, node.edgesOut.get('foo') would return the Edge representing its dependency on a package named 'foo'. It also has an edgesIn property which is the set of nodes whose dependencies are met by it. For representing the tree of how packages are laid out on disk, node.children is a map representing the contents of a node’s node_modules folder, and node.parent is a reference to the node containing this one as a child.
Edge objects have a from node, a to node, a type, a spec, and some information about whether the relationship is currently met or not.
This allows us to walk the dependency graph, or the package tree, in a very expressive manner. And, because we can easily find whatever we need from any point in the dependency set, we can avoid doing multiple full package tree walks to calculate the impact of any changes.
Automatic Updates
Arborist uses getter/setter properties to avoid a lot of the pitfalls that led to CLI bugs in the past. My thinking was, the primary thing we do with package trees in npm is mutate them; why not make that easy?
When a node’s parent member is set, everything about it is automatically updated. Any edges that might have been resolving to it are re-evaluated, the node.children maps are updated, and so on. Removing a package from the tree is as easy as node.parent = null. At any point, we can always loop over node.edgesOut to validate its dependencies, or node.edgesIn to check its dependents, without having to remember to make another call to refresh all of those links.
While this has meant a rather elaborate set parent method in the Node class, it makes all of the logic around tree handling much simpler and harder to get wrong. There’s just nothing to forget. Stick the objects together, and it’s always in a correct state.
This “always accurate” contract makes it much easier to work with nodes, links, and edges. Set a node’s parent, and it’s immediately updated with the right path, all the dependency relationships are updated, etc.
There are two situations where we don’t guarantee everything stays perfectly in sync right now. The first is the extraneous/dev/optional/peer flags, which require another function call to set, since it requires a full tree walk. The second is that it’s possible to directly set node.path in such a way that things get out of sync. For now, the protection is “don’t do that”, but it is a spot where the internal gears are exposed and slightly dangerous, and an area for future improvement, especially if other applications start using Arborist in novel ways.
Lockfile As Continually Updated Metadata
Rather than treat the lockfile as a one-off data structure to be consulted at the beginning and serialized back out at the end, Arborist has a Shrinkwrap class that is kept continually up to date as nodes are moved around in the tree.
This fully abstracts out the reading and writing of lockfiles, whether they are package-lock.json, npm-shrinkwrap.json, or yarn.lock, and allows us to no longer rely on underscore-prefixed metadata in the package.json files of installed dependencies.
When a build of the tree is done, we can call, and it’ll write back to disk. If we loaded a yarn.lock file and made changes to the tree, then it’ll write the updates back there as well.
Inventory of Nodes in a Project
The root node represents the main project that a user is working on. It’s the package you’re working in when you run npm install. In a world of symlinked dependencies and workspaces, there may be other nodes that are the “top” of their respective sub-trees (in the sense that they are not in a parent node’s node_modules folder).
The root node is one of the most important pieces of representing a project.
One special feature of the root node is that it contains an Inventory that provides an easy reference to all the nodes in the project. This allows us to walk over all the nodes in a project very simply, or select based on a few common characteristics.
So, when you run npm update mkdirp in a large project, rather than having to write a recursive tree walking function each time, we can just get the collection with tree.inventory.query('name', 'mkdirp').
The Arborist Class
Generally, the npm CLI never interacts with Node or Edge objects directly. Everything that the CLI does is through the interfaces provided by the Arborist class.
The Arborist class has a constructor and a set of methods:
  • loadActual() Load the tree of nodes representing the actual contents of the node_modules folder.
  • loadVirtual() Load the tree of nodes defined by the npm-shrinkwrap.json or package-lock.json file.
  • buildIdealTree() Figure out what the node_modules folder should be, either by reading the lockfile, or working it out from the package.json file. This also supports arguments to add, remove, update, and so on.
  • reify() Turn the ideal into the real. While buildIdealTree() is strictly a read operation, reify() will write stuff to disk.
  • audit() Ask the npm registry if anything is a security problem, and then work out what has to change in the tree to fix it. (If called like audit({fix:true}), then it’ll call out to reify() to fix the problems.)
And, coming soon:
  • dedupe() Scan a tree for duplicated modules, and do our very best to squash them down as much as possible while maintaining dependency correctness.
  • prune() Remove any packages from the tree that are not depended on by anything else. (This can be combined with arguments to omit certain dependency types, to strip out all non-production deps, for example.)
  • rebuild() Re-link bin scripts and execute installation scripts for all or some of the packages in the tree.
Maining a strict separation of concerns was one of the core architectural goals of npm v7, so this division of methods, along with the borders between the data classes and Arborist itself, allow us to have a system that is more easy to reason about, because we don’t have to hold as much in our human brains at any given point in the process.
Tree Building Algorithm
There are some markdown files in Arborist’s notes folder, detailing in even more specific detail exactly how Arborist does certain things.
A few changes were made to the tree-building algorithm in v7, and to the method used for reifying package trees. The tree building approach builds upon the “maximally naive deduplication” approach developed by Rebecca Turner when npm v3 introduced up-front deduplication, but adds two new features.
In a nutshell, maximally naive deduplication starts from a given node in the tree (typically the root node), and creates a queue of dependencies that are currently missing or invalid. Then, for each, it starts from the node’s node_modules folder, walks up the tree towards the root to find the shallowest placement location that does not cause any conflicts. The newly placed node is added to the queue so its dependencies can be placed, and the process continues.


In npm v7, a new --prefer-dedupe option is added to tell the tree building algorithm to prefer deduplication over getting the latest version of a dependency.
For example, consider this dependency graph:
root -> (a@1, b@1||2) a -> (b@1) 
By default, you might end up with a tree on disk that looks like this:
root +-- a@1 | +-- b@1 +-- b@2 
But, this alternative tree is also correct, just more deduplicated and less up to date:
root +-- a@1 +-- b@1 
By tracking the dependency edges throughout the tree at all times, we can trivially make this kind of decision while building the tree.


We’ll get more into peerDependencies in a later post in this series, but one design goal for npm v7 was to automatically install peerDependencies, as part of the “make npm yell at you less” and “manage your packages for you” design goals.
npm dropped support for installing peerDependencies in npm v4, due to the technical challenges of doing so in a maximally naive deduplication algorithm. Tracking peer dependencies throughout that process requires operating on hypothetical sub-trees rather than individual nodes, which was somewhat challenging.
In Arborist, peer dependencies are included in the conflict detection by doing exactly that, checking an the entire set of peer dependencies at each potential placement in the tree. Since peer dependencies can have peer dependencies of their own, effectively we’re creating a little sub-tree and then finding a spot where it’s safe to graft it into the main one.
This means that a dependency graph like this:
root -> (dep, peer@1) dep -> (transitivedep, peer@2) transitivedep -> (PEER: peer@2) 
will result in this correct tree:
root +-- peer@1 +-- dep +-- peer@2 +-- transitivedep 
instead of the incorrect tree created by npm v6:
root +-- peer@1 +-- transitivedep <-- require('peer') here loads peer@1 intead of peer@2! +-- dep +-- peer@2 

Staging Folders, Rollbacks, and Windows Folder Locking

Previous versions of npm use “staging” folders in the node_modules tree in order to unpack a tarball onto disk and then move it into place in an atomic operation. If the install fails, the staging folders can be removed, and the tree is left in its previous state.
However, on Windows, the file system locks files and folders for a bit of time after immediately being modified, and rename and unlink are not guaranteed to be atomic operations. This has led over the years to some Windows issues that can be difficult to reproduce, where users see their builds fail with a mysterious EPERM error. This only happens rarely, but when 12 million people are installing billions of packages every day, “rarely” is still quite a lot!
The new approach to file reification flips the staging process around. Rather than staging a package and then moving it into place, the existing package folder is “retired” by moving it aside.
This avoids (to the greatest extent possible) ever having to rename or remove files and folders that were recently created. In the case of rollbacks on failure, of course, we may have to delete a recently-modified directory, which can still fail in this way. But, the surface area for this category of failure has been dramatically reduced.


All of these things add stability and performance, and it a bit easier for the CLI team to work with the codebase. For the most part, the user experience impact of the Arborist refactor is that npm just works as it always has.
One exciting exception where users will actually see a benefit of what Arborist allows us to do is Workspaces. In npm v6, implementing something like Workspaces would have required significant high-risk changes to our handling of symbolic links.
With Arborist, we’ve been able to focus on the “meat” of this feature. We added a new edge type called workspace, which is always resolved as a symlink. Then, the @npmcli/map-workspaces module reads the set of named workspaces so that they can be turned into these special edges. Lastly, we just resolve the dependency graph and reify the resulting tree like normal.
Current Arborist Project Status
The TODO list on Arborist has been getting shorter, and the bugs have been getting smaller and easier to fix. Along with the npm v7 development branch, it’s also been put to use in some experimental community projects, which have provided us with helpful play testing.
Preliminary testing has shown that it’s faster than npm v6 in most cases, but we’ve only just started the process of benchmarking it rigorously against real world projects. My expectation is that it’ll remain somewhat faster in most cases, and be much slower in a few cases, which will highlight some bugs we still have to fix.
If you have a project where you are doing interesting things with dependencies and packages, and want a more direct and programmatic API than just running npm in a child process, we’d love your feedback.
<< Introduction