Saturday, 31 August, 2019 UTC


It started with this:
function walk(directory, filepaths = []) { const files = fs.readdirSync(directory); for (let filename of files) { const filepath = path.join(directory, filename); if (path.extname(filename) === '.md') { filepaths.push(filepath); } else if (fs.statSync(filepath).isDirectory()) { walk(filepath, filepaths); } } return filepaths; } 
And you use it like this:
const foundFiles = walk(someDirectoryOfMine); console.log(foundFiles.length); 
I thought, perhaps it's faster or better to use glob. So I installed that.
Then I found, fast-glob which sounds faster. You use both in a synchronous way.
I have a directory with about 450 files, of which 320 of them are .md files. Let's compare:
walk: 10.212ms glob: 37.492ms fg: 14.200ms
I measured it using console.time like this:
console.time('walk'); const foundFiles = walk(someDirectoryOfMine); console.timeEnd('walk'); console.log(foundFiles.length); 
I suppose those packages have other fancier features but, I guess this just goes to show, keep it simple.