Tuesday, 5 May, 2020 UTC


Notable Changes

Track function calls with assert.CallTracker (experimental)

assert.CallTracker is a new experimental API that allows to track and later verify the number of times a function was called. This works by creating a CallTracker object and using its calls method to create wrapper functions that will count each time they are called. Then the verify method can be used to assert that the expected number of calls happened:
const assert = require('assert');

const tracker = new assert.CallTracker();

function func() {}
// callsfunc() must be called exactly twice before tracker.verify().
const callsfunc = tracker.calls(func, 2);

function otherFunc() {}
// The second parameter defaults to `1`.
const callsotherFunc = tracker.calls(otherFunc);

// Calls tracker.verify() and verifies if all tracker.calls() functions have
// been called the right number of times.
process.on('exit', () => {
Additionally, tracker.report() will return an array which contains information about the errors, if there are any:
const assert = require('assert');

const tracker = new assert.CallTracker();

function func() {}
const callsfunc = tracker.calls(func);

    message: 'Expected the func function to be executed 1 time(s) but was executed 0 time(s).',
    actual: 0,
    expected: 1,
    operator: 'func',
    stack: Error
Contributed by ConorDavenport - #31982.

Console groupIndentation option

The Console constructor (require('console').Console) now supports different group indentations.
This is useful in case you want different grouping width than 2 spaces.
const { Console } = require('console');
const customConsole = new Console({
  stdout: process.stdout,
  stderr: process.stderr,
  groupIndentation: 10

// 'foo'
//           'foo'
Contributed by rickyes - #32964.


Semver-minor commits

  • [c87ed21fdf] - (SEMVER-MINOR) assert: port common.mustCall() to assert (ConorDavenport) #31982
  • [c49e3ea20c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) console: support console constructor groupIndentation option (rickyes) #32964
  • [bc9e413dae] - (SEMVER-MINOR) worker: add stack size resource limit option (Anna Henningsen) #33085

Semver-patch commits

  • [f62d92b900] - build: add --error-on-warn configure flag (Daniel Bevenius) #32685
  • [db293c47dd] - cluster: fix error on worker disconnect/destroy (Santiago Gimeno) #32793
  • [83e165bf88] - crypto: check DiffieHellman p and g params (Ben Noordhuis) #32739
  • [e07cca6af6] - crypto: generator must be int32 in DiffieHellman() (Ben Noordhuis) #32739
  • [637442fec9] - crypto: key size must be int32 in DiffieHellman() (Ben Noordhuis) #32739
  • [c5a4534d5c] - deps: V8: backport e29c62b74854 (Anna Henningsen) #33125
  • [8325c29e92] - deps: update to uvwasi 0.0.8 (Colin Ihrig) #33078
  • [2174159598] - esm: improve commonjs hint on module not found (Daniele Belardi) #31906
  • [74b0e8c3a8] - http: ensure client request emits close (Robert Nagy) #33178
  • [a4ec01c55b] - http: simplify sending header (Robert Nagy) #33200
  • [451993ea94] - http: set default timeout in agent keepSocketAlive (Owen Smith) #33127
  • [3cb1713a59] - http2,doc: minor fixes (Alba Mendez) #28044
  • [eab4be1b93] - lib: cosmetic change to builtinLibs list for maintainability (James M Snell) #33106
  • [542da430ff] - lib: fix validateport error message when allowZero is false (rickyes) #32861
  • [5eccf1e9ad] - module: no type module resolver side effects (Guy Bedford) #33086
  • [466213d726] - n-api: simplify uv_idle wrangling (Ben Noordhuis) #32997
  • [ed45b51642] - path: fix comment grammar (thecodrr) #32942
  • [bb2d2f6e0e] - src: remove unused v8 Message namespace (Adrian Estrada) #33180
  • [de643bc325] - src: use unique_ptr for CachedData in ContextifyScript::New (Anna Henningsen) #33113
  • [f61928ba35] - src: return undefined when validation err == 0 (James M Snell) #33107
  • [f4e5ab14da] - src: crypto::UseSNIContext to use BaseObjectPtr (James M Snell) #33107
  • [541ea035bf] - src: separate out NgLibMemoryManagerBase (James M Snell) #33104
  • [10a87c81cf] - src: remove unnecessary fully qualified names (rickyes) #33077
  • [45032a39e8] - stream: fix stream.finished on Duplex (Robert Nagy) #33133
  • [4cfa7e0716] - stream: simplify Readable push/unshift logic (himself65) #32899
  • [bc40ed31b3] - stream: add null check in Readable.from (Pranshu Srivastava) #32873
  • [b183d0a18a] - stream: let Duplex re-use Writable properties (Robert Nagy) #33079
  • [ec24577406] - v8: use AliasedBuffers for passing heap statistics around (Joyee Cheung) #32929
  • [d39254ada6] - vm: fix vm.measureMemory() and introduce execution option (Joyee Cheung) #32988
  • [4423304ac4] - vm: throw error when duplicated exportNames in SyntheticModule (himself65) #32810
  • [3866dc1311] - wasi: use free() to release preopen array (Anna Henningsen) #33110
  • [d7d9960d38] - wasi: update start() behavior to match spec (Colin Ihrig) #33073
  • [8d5ac1bbf0] - wasi: rename __wasi_unstable_reactor_start() (Colin Ihrig) #33073
  • [c6d632a72a] - worker: unify custom error creation (Anna Henningsen) #33084

Documentation commits

  • [6925b358f9] - doc: mark assert.CallTracker experimental (Ruben Bridgewater) #33124
  • [413f5d3581] - doc: add missing deprecation not (Robert Nagy) #33203
  • [7893bde07e] - doc: fix a typo in crypto.generateKeyPairSync() (himself65) #33187
  • [d02ced8af6] - doc: add util.types.isArrayBufferView() (Kevin Locke) #33092
  • [36d50027af] - doc: clarify when not to run CI on docs (Juan José Arboleda) #33101
  • [a99013718c] - doc: fix the spelling error in stream.md (白一梓) #31561
  • [23962191c1] - doc: correct Nodejs to Node.js spelling (Nick Schonning) #33088
  • [de15edcfc0] - doc: improve worker pool example (Ranjan Purbey) #33082
  • [289a5c8dfb] - doc: some grammar fixes (Chris Holland) #33081
  • [82e459d9af] - doc: don't check links in tmp dirs (Ben Noordhuis) #32996
  • [c5a2f9a02a] - doc: fix markdown parsing on doc/api/os.md (Juan José Arboleda) #33067

Other commits

  • [60ebbc4386] - test: update c8 ignore comment (Benjamin Coe) #33151
  • [e276524fcc] - test: skip memory usage tests when ASAN is enabled (Anna Henningsen) #33129
  • [89ed7a5862] - test: move test-process-title to sequential (Anna Henningsen) #33150
  • [af7da46d9b] - test: fix out-of-bound reads from invalid sizeof usage (Anna Henningsen) #33115
  • [9ccb6b2e8c] - test: add missing calls to napi_async_destroy (Anna Henningsen) #33114
  • [3c2f608a8d] - test: correct typo in test name (Colin Ihrig) #33083
  • [92c7e0620f] - test: check args on SourceTextModule cachedData (Juan José Arboleda) #32956
  • [f79ef96fea] - test: mark test flaky on freebsd (Sam Roberts) #32849
  • [aced1f5d70] - test: flaky test-stdout-close-catch on freebsd (Sam Roberts) #32849
  • [6734cc43df] - tools: bump remark-preset-lint-node to 1.15.0 (Rich Trott) #33157
  • [a87d371014] - tools: fix redundant-move warning in inspector (Daniel Bevenius) #32685
  • [12426f59f5] - tools: update [email protected] (Rich Trott) #33072
  • [8c40ffc329] - tools: update broken types in type parser (Colin Ihrig) #33068
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