Tuesday, 16 January, 2024 UTC


SortableJS, a JavaScript library for creating reorderable drag-and-drop lists, has been wrapped into a component for Microsoft’s Blazor web application builder and renamed Blazor Sortable.
A common feature for web application development, SortableJS supports touch devices and modern browsers, CSS animation, auto-scrolling, and smooth animations.
Unveiled January 12, Blazor Sortable has been made open source on GitHub. The GitHub repo for Blazor Sortable contains source code for the sortable list as well as demos. Developers only need the Shared/SortableList.razor, Shared/SortableList.razor.css, and Shared/SortableList.razor.js files to use Blazor Sortable. SortableList is a generic component that takes a list of items. A SortableItemTemplate then defines how to render each item in the sortable list.
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