Tuesday, 5 July, 2022 UTC


Meteor Monthly Update — June 2022


Can you believe we’re already halfway through the year? Now that we’re in July, let’s discuss a few Meteor updates and announcements from the month of June. In the previous blog post, we talked about a new Meteor version and Blaze tutorial, the launch of the ambassador program, the new Meteor University section, and new things coming to Meteor.
We have a lot of great things planned for this month, but first, let’s take a look back at what occurred in June!

June 2022

Here’s a summary of what happened in Meteor over the month of June. We’ve been working hard to bring you new Meteor upgrades and features. Let’s get started!

Meteor 2.7.3

The Meteor 2.7.3 version brings updates on Node to 14.19.3, which introduced security updates. NPM was also updated to v6.14.17.
We also made the client 25kb smaller (i.e. @babel/runtime’s package.json file) and adjusted the accounts-passwordless package so you can request a login token by calling the function requestLoginTokenForUser.
Our very own Denilson Silva also wrote an article about these highlights which you can read here.
For full technical details on this particular release, click this link to access our Meteor changelog.

NFT Marketplace App

We’ve finally finished a new and extremely exciting project that we’ve been working on. We are excited to showcase our very own Meteor-powered NFT marketplace application!
This programme is purely for demonstration purposes and is based on Nader Dabit’s tutorial on how to create an NFT marketplace. The plan was to reproduce his final project using Meteor as the framework instead of Next.js while adding additional features.
We wanted to create something that would assist new developers in learning Meteor in a fun way and encourage them in building something great and distinctive!
You may learn more about it by reading Vitor Flores’ blog post.

Meteor Shop

The Meteor Shop is a collection of high-quality items for everyday use! The Meteor Shop has you covered whether you’re searching for new clothing, some home décor, or a present for a special occasion!
The Meteor store can ship to over 40 destinations globally! We offer high-quality things tailored just for you to your door. When you sign up, you will earn 10% off your first purchase! 🛒
In addition to the coupon code, you’ll be among the first to learn about Meteor’s new collections, special sales and discounts, unique deals, and more, delivered directly to your email.
Click here to grab some Meteor merch.


Meteor DevTools Evolved 1.6
Leonardo Venturini has updated Meteor DevTools Evolved and is now on version 1.6! You can go ahead and install the Chrome Extension or watch a quick video about it here.
If you want to learn more about the improvements, read the changelog.
Use Meteor With React Hooks
The react-meteor-data package integrates React with Tracker (Meteor’s reactive data framework). It’s how you get data from the server and keep it up to current as things change.
If you’re creating apps using Meteor + React, this is a must-have package.
More information regarding Henrique Schmaiske’s tutorial may be found here.
Hijacking a User’s Mouse Clicks
Henrique also created a blog post about clickjacking, a growing security problem. It potentially reveals sensitive information or allows others to take control of their computer.
With Meteor, you can use many configurations, but the default one is good enough to prevent attackers from framing your website. Click here to learn more.
Blaze Tutorial
Our Blaze tutorial has been recently updated! It is one of the best places to start learning the basics of Meteor with Blaze. You can check out the changelog or start the newly updated tutorial here.
Redesign of Push-to-Deploy
Meteor Cloud feature, push-to-deploy, has been redesigned to give our users a better experience overall. You can check it out by going to the Cloud dashboard.

Coming Soon ⏳

That was essentially an outline of all the major events and developments in June. We have even bigger plans for the month of July, so keep an eye out for these announcements. Thank you to everyone who is still supporting Meteor! You can learn about a few new Meteor projects that will be available soon.
Meteor 2.7.4
The next version of Meteor is just around the corner. At the time of this writing, Meteor 2.7.4-beta.2 has been released. The main highlight of this version is this PR, where we’re introducing the MongoDB Package Async API.
You can update your app with meteor update — release 2.7.4-beta.2.
Don’t forget to let us know what you think and feedback is welcome!
Meteor NYC Events
We have two events coming up in the month of July. The first one is Meteor Night which will consist of presentations, open mic, pitches, and more! The second one is a Lunch & Learn where you’ll be able to acquire knowledge from like-minded developers. Both events are virtual so we hope to see you all there!
We hope you enjoyed this message and look forward to seeing you in the next Meteor Monthly Update. Please post any inquiries, issues, or criticisms in the comments area. Till next time! 👋

Meteor Monthly Update — June 2022 was originally published in Meteor Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.