Tuesday, 5 October, 2021 UTC


Join us Tuesday, October 26, 6 pm – 7 pm (CEST) / 12 pm – 1 pm (EDT) for our free live webinar for beginners, Build Whack-a-Mole in 1 Hour, featuring Ania Kubow, software developer and content creator on YouTube and freeCodeCamp.
When learning the ropes of JavaScript, much like when learning any programming language, applying your new knowledge is key. This webinar is perfect for those who want an interactive and fun way to put theory into practice. In this live-coding session, Ania will show you how to build a game of Whack-a-Mole using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. She will be taking things slow and easy so you can follow along.
Count me in!
Come prepared with any questions you may have – we’ll try to answer them during the webinar!
As always, a recording will be made available shortly afterward.
For all our JavaScript beginners and those who wish to polish their skills, we suggest checking out this free Frontend Developer educational track from JetBrains Academy.
The WebStorm team