Friday, 5 April, 2024 UTC


Hi there, friend! It's an anniversary edition of the Js-Craft newsletter. The 50'th edition 🎂🎉! Just checked the newsletter archive and saw that the first newsletter was sent on May 02, 2018. Almost 6 years ago 🙂
In this edition of the newsletter:
  • 📘 Product updates: The book about Langchain.js and the Skillshare class about React
  • 📰 4 new articles on
  • 🔊 Top posts from Twitter and Mastodon
  • 🏝 Some non-coding things
📘 Product updates: The book about Langchain.js and the Skillshare class about React
I've started to work on the code examples for a book about Langchain.js. If you never heard of it, it's a really good tool to integrate AI features into a classic web application. Made this short presentation about it:
By the way, to get started you can check out here an example app with React and Langchain.
Are there any particular things you are curious to learn about how to use Langchain and Javascript? Or AI development, in general. Just reply to this email, and would be happy to talk more.
And speaking about products I’ve recorded a short video course about how to Learn React by Making a Game and it's now available on Skillshare. Skillshare has now a 1 month free, so you can check my course for free plus many other good courses.
📰 New articles on
From the past edition of the newsletter, I've added 4 new articles to the site:
  • The Rise of the AI Engineer with Shawn Wang - Listening notes #4
  • 7 things Langchain can do for Javascript developers
  • Autoscroll to bottom in React
  • Is setState in React asyc? A practical example
🔊 Top posts from Twitter and Mastodon
Recently I restarted publishing regularly on Mastodon and Twitter and these are some of my top posts:
🏝 Some non-coding things
Actually, this one is still a bit coding-related. I've moved my office to the balcony. It's a joy to enjoy so much natural light each day.

Well, that's all folks! Be smart, be kind, and keep coding! See you next time.