Sunday, 8 August, 2021 UTC


For me, one of the most aggravating performance issues on the web is when it’s slow to type into a text input. I’m a fairly fast typist, so if there’s even a tiny delay in a <textarea> or <input>, I can feel it slowing me down, and it drives me nuts.
I find this problem especially irksome because it’s usually solvable with a few simple tricks. There’s no reason for a chat app or a social media app to be slow to type into, except that web developers often take the naïve approach, and that’s where the delay comes from.
To understand the source of input delays, let’s take a concrete example. Imagine a Twitter-like UI with a text field and a “remaining characters” count. As you type, the number gradually decreases down to zero.
Here’s the naïve way to implement this:
  1. Attach an input event listener to the <textarea>.
  2. Whenever the event fires, update some global state (e.g. in Redux).
  3. Update the “remaining characters” display based on that global state.
And here’s a live example. Really mash on the keyboard if you don’t notice the input delay:
Note: This example contains an artificial 70-millisecond delay to simulate a heavy real-world app, and to make the demo consistent across devices. Bear with me for a moment.
The problem with the naïve approach is that it usually ends up doing far too much work relative to the benefit that the user gets out of the “remaining characters” display. In the worst case, changing the global state could cause the entire UI to re-render (e.g. in a poorly-optimized React app), meaning that as the user types, every keypress causes a full global re-render.
Also, because we are directly listening to the input event, there will be a delay between the actual keypress and the character appearing in the <textarea>. Because the DOM is single-threaded, and because we’re doing blocking work on the main thread, the browser can’t render the new input until that work finishes. This can lead to noticeable typing delays and therefore user frustration.
My preferred solution to this kind of problem is to use requestIdleCallback to wait for the UI thread to be idle before running the blocking code. For instance, something like this:
let queued = false
textarea.addEventListener('input', () => {
  if (!queued) {
    queued = true
    requestIdleCallback(() => {
      queued = false
This technique has several benefits:
  1. We are not directly blocking the input event with anything expensive, so there shouldn’t be a delay between typing a character and seeing that character appear in the <textarea>.
  2. We are not updating the UI for every keypress. requestIdleCallback will batch the UI updates when the user pauses between typing characters. This is sensible, because the user probably doesn’t care if the “remaining characters” count updates for every single keypress – their attention is on the text field, not on the remaining characters.
  3. On a slower machine, requestIdleCallback will naturally do fewer batches-per-keypress than on a faster machine. So a user on a faster device will have the benefit of a faster-updating UI, but neither user will experience poor input responsiveness.
And here’s a live example of the optimized version. Feel free to mash on the keyboard: you shouldn’t see (much) of a delay!
In the past, you might have used something like debouncing to solve this problem. But I like requestIdleCallback because of the third point above: it naturally adapts to the characteristics of the user’s device, rather than forcing us to choose a hardcoded delay.
Note: Running your state logic in a web worker is also a way to avoid this problem. But the vast majority of web apps aren’t architected this way, so I find requestIdleCallback to be better as a bolt-on solution.
To be fair, this technique isn’t foolproof. Some UIs really need to respond immediately to every keypress: for instance, to disallow certain characters or resize the <textarea> as it grows. (In those cases, though, I would throttle with requestAnimationFrame.) Also, some UIs may still lag if the work they’re doing is large enough that it’s perceptible even when batched. (In the live examples above, I set an artificial delay of 70 milliseconds, which you can still “feel” with the optimized version.) But for the most part, using requestIdleCallback is enough to get rid of any major responsiveness issues.
If you want to test this on your own website, I’d recommend putting the Chrome DevTools at 6x CPU slowdown and then mashing the keyboard as fast as you can. On a vanilla <textarea> or <input> with no JavaScript handlers, you won’t see any delay. Whereas if your own website feels sluggish, then maybe it’s time to optimize your text inputs!