Friday, 21 May, 2021 UTC



The class attribute in HTML is used to define a class for one or more HTML elements. This way, a lot of elements can belong to the same class of elements and share the same style in the style sheet, so you don't have to write the same style for every element over and over again.
That being said, sometimes you want to change styles dynamically, depending on the user's input. For example, you want to implement day/night mode for your web page, which can effectively be done with changing element's class.
This is a common task for when you want to let the user customize any aspect of your application. In this guide - we'll take a look at how to change the class of an HTML element in JavaScript.

DOM Tree

The DOM or Document Object Model is an interface that creates a tree structure from XML or HTML. The hierarchy of the document's elements is represented through the DOM. A tree is made up of nodes and branches, where elements are nodes and elements' relations are branches. In the DOM Tree, the root node is html - the very first element necessary to start marking up an HTML document:
    <title>Web page title</title>
    <h1>Some heading</h1>
The DOM tree for this page would look like this:
This is a very simple tree, but the same process applies to any arbitrarily complex page. Thanks to the DOM tree, through JavaScript, we can access all of the HTML elements on the page, as well as elements' classes, ids, content and all their attributes. We can even add new elements and remove old ones. We can create events to listen to and respond to them (i.e. change background color when a button is clicked).

Getting the Elements

Now that we know that we can obtain an element from HTML, let's see how to actually do that using JavaScript. To change an element's class, we first have to retrieve it. Depending on the element, we can obtain them through a few different approaches:
  • getElementsByClassName(class_name) - returns an HTMLCollection which contains HTML elements whose class names are equal to class_name.
  • getElementById(id_name) - returns a single HTML element whose id is equal to id_name.
  • getElementsByTagName(tag_name) - returns an HTMLCollection of elements with a tag tag_name.
We'll be working with this HTML file:
    <title>Web page title</title>
<body class="page-body">
	<h1 class="headings">Some heading</h1>
    <h3 class="headings">More of some heading</h3>
    <h5 class="headings">Another heading here</h5>
    <a href="" id="link-to-google">Some random link</a>
        <li>Thing #1</li>
        <li>Thing #2</li>
        <li>Thing #3</li>
    <script src="script.js"></script>

Getting Elements Using getElementsByClassName()

Let's make the script.js file that's imported to our page:
$ touch script.js
And within it - we'll locate and retrieve the elements which belong to the "headings" class:
Since there's likely to be more than one element belonging to the same class - this returns an HTMLCollection:
	- 0: h1.headings
	- 1: h3.headings
	- 2: h5.headings
	length: 3
An HTMLCollection is a collection of HTML elements, which offers a variety of methods for selecting them from the collection, such as:
  • className() - Returns a string which represents the name of the class; This method can also be used to set an element's class (which is exactly what we need).
  • innerHTML() - Since HTML elements can be nested in one another, if there are nested elements, this method will return them as HTML.
  • innerText() - Returns all of the text inside of an element (including nested elements).
There are also a lot of events which we can listen to, such as: onclick, ondblclick, onkeydown, onkeypress. You can find out more about JavaScript's events in the official documentation.

Getting Elements Using getElementById()

You can snatch elements by their id, via the getElementById() method:
Which results in:
<a href="" id="link-to-google">Some random link</a>

Getting Elements Using getElementsByTagName()

Finally, we can also find elements by their tag, if they don't have a class or id. This returns a collection of HTML elements, because you typically have more than a single one with the same tag.
Now, if we want to get all of the <li> elements, we can search by the li tag:
Which results in:
HTMLCollection(3) [li, li, li]
	- 0: li
	- 1: li
	- 2: li
The return value is the same as getElementsByClassName - an HTMLCollection.
Regardless of the approach used to obtain an element - we can now change its class.

Changing an Element's Class using JavaScript

Changing Element Class with className

Let's create a dummy index.html page containing some data. We'll allow the user to switch between the "day mode" and "night mode", which changes the color palette used on the webpage. We'll also need a script.js file imported here, to find and change the elements, as well as a style.css file that'll contain all of our styling code.
Let's start off with the index.html:
    <title>Day/night mode</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>
<body class="page-body-day" id="page-body">

	<h1 class="main-heading-day" id="main-heading">Some heading</h1>
    <p>Dummy text, dummy text, dummy text</p>
    <p>Some more dummy text, more dummy text, more dummy text</p>

    <button onclick="switchMode()">Switch day/night mode</button>
<script src="script.js"></script>
All the elements that will change their appearance when the user clicks on the Switch day/night mode button have their respective ids and are assigned the default element-day class respectively.
Each element-day class has a element-night alternative in the style.css file:
.page-body-day {
    background-color: white;
    color: black;

.page-body-night {
    background-color: #02182B;
    color: yellow;

.main-heading-day {
    color: black;

.main-heading-night {
    color: yellow;
Since we'll be changing the class of our elements, we don't want to search by the class, otherwise, we'll have edge cases. We'll want to search by something of fixed value, which is the id, and then check the className of that element - changing it to the appropriate class in the process:
function switchMode(){
    // Body switching
    if(document.getElementById("page-body").className == "page-body-day"){
        document.getElementById("page-body").className = "page-body-night";
        document.getElementById("page-body").className = "page-body-day";

    // Heading switching
    if(document.getElementById("main-heading").className == "main-heading-day"){
        document.getElementById("main-heading").className = "main-heading-night";
        document.getElementById("main-heading").className = "main-heading-day";

The className returns the name of the class of that element. Though, if we assign a new value to it - we can effectively update the class property of a tag. If the element has an element-day class, we'll change it to element-night and vice-versa.
When changing body's color property in CSS, we are automatically changing all the elements that don't have the color attribute defined (in our case it is our <p> tags). When class switching happens, CSS starts reading newly switched classes and applies styles accordingly.
Though, this approach isn't very modern, and is mainly used to accomodate for the lagging functionality of Internet Explorer 8 and 9.

Changing Element Class with classList

Newer internet browsers have support for a newer property called classList. What this property provides is a list of all the classes which are applied to a certain HTML element.
Note: Internet Explorer 8 and 9 do not support classList.
classList has a couple of methods that we can leverage:
  • add(class_name) - adds a new class class_name to the list.
  • remove(class_name) - removes a class class_name from the list.
  • toggle(class_name) - adds class class_name if it is not already added, otherwise removes it.
  • contains(class_name) - checks whether class_name is in the list of classes applied to the HTML element.
That being said - we can rewrite out script.js file to use these methods instead:
function switchMode(){    
    // Body switching
    } else{

    // Heading switching
    } else{

This approach is supported in HTML5 and in modern browsers and this way you can manipulate classes in a similar fashion to jQuery - a JavaScript library widely used to manipulate HTML elements, events, etc.
Through classList, you can skip including an external library which reduces the PLT (Page Load Time) which has recently become an important Web Vital signal for SEO-grading.


JavaScript gained mass-adoption because of how simple the DOM makes it to manipulate basically everything on your web page, amongst other things.
In this tutorial, we took a look at how to change an element's class in JavaScript.