Thursday, 22 November, 2018 UTC


With the holidays approaching and 2018 quickly coming to an end, we're eager to relax and reflect on the year that was. For everyone in our community who has helped us grow Fly and put your trust in us to deliver super-duper fast applications and festive sites... we thank you!
Now, let's take a little trip down memory lane...
Fly Edge Apps
In April, we released our namesake feature, Fly Edge Apps (affectionately referred to as Edge Apps). Edge Apps are written in JavaScript so you can make 'em do almost anything, then deploy all over the world. They're especially good at pulling content from different backends and then customizing on the fly (ayooo). Rewrite images, render markdown into an HTML layout, or even pre-render React apps. The runtime is open source, and here's the docs to get you started.

A few Edge Apps features we're thankful for

Cache API

Fly's caching API reads from and writes to regional, in memory cache servers. You can do things like rapidly deliver HTTP requests, cache personalization data geographically close to individual users and protect your app from unwanted downtime.

Fetch API

Since Fly Edge Apps are written in JavaScript and deployed all over the world, you can make them do almost anything. They're especially good at pulling content from just about anywhere and then customizing that content on-the-fly. Our Fetch API makes it easy to accomplish such wizardry.
Open Source
By September, we'd fully open sourced our runtime. We wanted to connect more with our community and give our users the power to shape the tools they use. We've learned a lot while growing with you, and we continue to invite you to submit feature requests, help improve our docs, follow development, and anything else you can dream up!
We're thankful for Google Lighthouse, the super simple open source auditing tool we use to increase the quality of web pages and apps. With the ease of their Chrome extension and one quick click, we get a score from 0-100 (the lower the number, the more work to be done) and are able to make changes to our sites based on their recommendations. Check out our one-stop-Lighthouse-shop for resources and articles on how to improve your scores using Edge Apps.
Conferences, meetups, podcasts, oh my!
Lastly, we're so thankful for all of the events and podcasts we were part of this year! We had the pleasure of sponsoring the inaugural ChicagoJS conference, as well as the Orchestructure meetup. We spoke at dotJS in Paris, React Boston, Chicago Geekfest, ReactNYC, SFJS, NashJS, and more! We were also guests on some of our favorite podcasts: JavaScript Jabber, The Changelog, Developer on Fire, and Technori.
Thank you again for all of your support this year... we can't wait to see where 2019 takes us!