Wednesday, 10 May, 2017 UTC


Although our R&D team in Poland had Majówka (Maj is May in Polish, and Majówka it’s first week of May when a lot of Poles takes a holidays and went for mountain trips or simply spent a lot of time on fresh air with family), we didn’t forget about our customers and we prepared some treats that we hope you will enjoy. I present you: Bitbar UI Update 2.39!

Unification of Logs Widgets

As we promised after the 2.37 release, we have unified Logs widget in Manual Testing and Device Run view. The Logs widget in Device Run has been rewritten with Vue.js, and under the hood it shares a lot of code with Logs widget in Manual Testing. Thanks for this we have now less code to maintain and for customers it’s means that both widgets can share common features. Like Themes support, searching mechanism or even recognizing some files and coloring their syntax (currently Android Logcat and iOS syslog). At last!😎
Also thanks to this change we could change the title of preference “Manual Testing: Logs theme” to simply “Logs theme”, because as I mentioned – those share right now the same features and settings!

New Device Session status

Device Session is probably something that (very often) is confusing or somewhat complex feature for our new customers. And this is why we are trying our best to simplify presentation of test results. We want to make clear for users when any failure of test is on their side and when on device. Because of, well, let’s be honest – our product is based on real devices and in real devices (like in real life) s*it happens. This is why we have added new status of Device Sessions – Timeout. It has graphite-white coloristics and will inform more accurate when device has just timeout.

More work under the hood

We needed to rewrite basically from the scratch all those methods responsible for building and generating widgets nodes. This was necessery step to move forward with our plan to use Vue.js in the whole UI. Thanks to this we have cleaned old unnecessary stuff and optimized new code. Maybe you will not experience enormous difference in speed, but you know – in F1 the final effect is visible after hard work and fight for each ms in many aspects and parts. 

My Integrations: Slack and refreshed E-mail Notifications

First of all we have moved E-mail notifications from “My Preferences” to “My Integrations”. Reason to do that was based on the fact that we are working on new notifications system which will support multiple services. First service mentioned was “E-mails”. Second that we have added is Slack. Both are very similar to configure. Integration appears as “Enabled” when you have at least one Channel added.

E-mail Notifications

To add a new channel simply click on E-mails tile. New modal will appear.
In “Add your email notification” section put e-mail address where you want to send notifications and select the scope. There are 3 scopes available:
  • Test Run
    If this scope selected then on given e-mail address will be send general notification about TestRun
  • Test Run – failures
    If this scope selected then on given e-mail address will be send notification only if TestRun failed
  • Test Run – succeded
    If this scope selected then on given e-mail address will be send notification only if TestRun succedded
To finish adding new Channel click on green “Add” button.
Added Channels are visible on the list as cards. Each Channel data you can modify, test or delete.

Slack Notifications

As mentioned above, Slack Notification is very similar to E-mail Notification. Generally, our goal is that every notification service and integration provides the same look and feel. This is why the main difference between Slack and E-mail Notification is that in Slack you need to give Slack URL (webhook). Rest of configuration is basically the same.
Slack Webhook URL you can configure and get on this page.
In the near future we plan to add next services: for example HipChat.

Admin Panel: Dashboard

It’s not common to share with details about Admin Panel, but we know that these blog posts are read also by our dear on-premise and private customers. This is why we have decided to start showing “this and that” from Admin UI part… especially if this is PoC of something bigger! And this is how our new Dashboard in Admin Panel looks like. It’s not complete of course but foundations for new Dashboard system that we are planing to start implement also in public part of UI! The New Dashboard will allow users to configure what kind of widgets their users would like to see. We have really big plans for this one and we hope that this PoC is a good start for our future plans.
BTW: How you feel about the last beta feature? Do you like it? Share your ideas with us and let us know your thoughts.
That’s all!
For now I wish you fruitful testing and see you next time! 😊