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Monday, 23 April, 2018
Echo JS
webauthn-simple-app v1.0: passwordless authentication for Chrome, Edge, and FF
Mimicking Bootstrap's Collapse with Vanilla JavaScript
Mycn, a layer above SQL database connectors for Node.js, inspired from PDO and JDBC
svr, development server for express
Angular - All Talks from ng-conf 2018
Agular 5 Example Shopping App + Angular Material + Responsive + Routing + Lazy Loading + Translations
ClojureScript compilation made easy!
Lessons Learned — A Year Of Going “Fully Serverless” In Production
Simulating BlackJack hands with JavaScript
React's new Context API: Toggle between local and global state
React Redux Visual Studio Code startup boilerplate
Easily lazy-load, pre-cache and display blurred loading previews for all the images on your website.
Extending Native DOM Elements with Web Components
How JavaScript works: Under the hood of CSS and JS animations + how to optimize their performance
Angular 6 Universal starter kit based on @angular/cli with SSR and HMR on browser/server sides
Reasons I use a mock API in React Native apps
It took me two years but it's finally done. My third book "React in patterns".
optional-chain: Optional chaining implementation in TS
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