Wednesday, 10 November, 2021 UTC


Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that optically recognizes handwritten or printed characters as data, and converts them into characters that can be used in computer programs. OCR is used in a variety of fields. For example, OCR is used to detect stolen vehicles by recognizing their license plates, and to digitize printed books.
Tesseract.js is an open source OCR library that supports over 100 languages. Tesseract.js compiles the Tesseract OCR engine written in C into JavaScript WebAssembly. With Tesseract.js, you can easily build OCR programs that run in the browser.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a React application using Tesseract.js to perform OCR on images directly in the browser, and send the recognized text to you as an SMS.
This tutorial is divided into 2 parts: part 1 covers the project setup and front end development, while part 2 covers the back end development and testing of the app.

Part 2: Creating an OCR Communication App with Tesseract.js and React (Part 2)
If you follow this tutorial to the end, you will be able to learn the basics of Tesseract.js and create an OCR communication app using React like so:

The operation flow of the app is as follows:
  1. User uploads an image
  2. Image is OCR-processed with Tesseract.js
  3. User edits the recognized text as needed
  4. The text is sent as an SMS to the specified phone number
The accuracy of Tesseract.js is not perfect. Since there is a possibility of misrecognition, we recommend using Tesseract.js for supplementary purposes, such as automating tasks that were previously performed manually to increase productivity.
Assumed knowledge
This tutorial assumes the basic knowledge of:
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • React
Tools required
  • Stable version of Node.js and npm
  • A free or paid Twilio account
  • A Twilio phone number
App structure
In the application you’ll create, you’ll prepare a front end and a back end. The front end displays the image upload button, OCR processing button, text editor and SMS sending fields. The back end uses Node.js and Express to handle the SMS sending process.
The specific structure of the app is as follows:
Front end:
  • App: The root component, which is the execution entry point for the project.
  • OcrReader: Component for the image upload function and OCR processing button.
  • SmsSender: Component for an editor for the recognized text and a field for sending SMS.

Back end:
  • server.js: Server file for sending SMS with Node.js and Express.
Now that you understand the general structure of the app, let’s move on to creating the project.
Basic setup

Creating a React project with create-react-app

First, we’ll create a React application.
Open a terminal and execute the following command:
npx create-react-app ocr-sms-sender cd ocr-sms-sender npm start 
This command will create a React app, move into the directory, and launch the app.
Access localhost:3000 with a browser. If the app starts without any problems, you will see a screen like so:
At this point, terminate the terminal process once.

Install dependencies

Next, we’ll install the necessary dependencies for the app.
Execute the following command in a terminal:
npm install --save tesseract.js twilio express dotenv intl-tel-input 
The details of the dependencies installed are as follows:
  • tesseract.js: JavaScript OCR library that runs in the browser.
  • twilio: Twilio Node helper library, a package to send HTTP requests to the Twilio API using Node.js.
  • express: A web server framework used in Node.js. In this tutorial, we will use it to send SMS.
  • dotenv: Package for importing the values defined in .env as environment variables.
  • intl-tel-input: International Telephone Input. A JavaScript package for entering and verifying international phone numbers.
Once the installation is complete, the next step is to build the front end.
Building the Front End
First, we’ll create the front end components. In the terminal, create a /components folder inside the /src directory.
Create OcrReader.js and SmsSender.js files in the /components folder.

Building the App component

Let’s build the root App.js component. Edit the App.js file located in /src that was automatically created when you ran create-react-app. Open the App.js file in a text editor.
Change the contents of the file to the following code:
import { useState } from "react" import OcrReader from "./components/OcrReader" import SmsSender from "./components/SmsSender" function App() { const [ocrData, setOcrData] = useState("") // Receive OCR data as a prop from the child component const onReadOcrData = (ocrData) => { setOcrData(ocrData) } // Prop detects that the change image button was clicked const onRemoveClicked = () => { setOcrData("") } return ( <div className="App"> <header>Welcome to the OCR app!</header> <OcrReader onReadOcrData={onReadOcrData} onRemoveClicked={onRemoveClicked} /> {ocrData && <SmsSender readText={ocrData}/>} </div> ) } export default App 
Save the file.
This code imports the OcrReader component, which is responsible for the OCR processing of the images, as well as the SmsSender component, which is responsible for editing the text read by OCR and sending it as an SMS.
In App.js, the text read by the OcrReader child component is passed to the SmsSender sibling component as ocrData through the props object.
The onReadOcrData function receives ocrData. In the JSX attribute of <SmsSender>, we’re passing ocrData as readText through a prop.
The onRemoveClicked function also initializes the text data to be passed to <SmsSender> when the “Use another image” button is clicked in the OcrReader component.

Building the OcrReader component

Next, we will build the OcrReader functional component. This component is responsible for selecting the image to be processed with OCR, displaying the selected image, and the OCR processing button. Open the OcrReader.js file.
Paste the following code into the file:
import { useState } from "react" import { createWorker } from "tesseract.js" // OCR Statuses const STATUSES = { IDLE: "", FAILED: "Failed to perform OCR", PENDING: "Processing...", SUCCEEDED: "Completed", } export default OcrReader 
This code imports the createWorker function from Tesseract.js.
We’re defining the OCR processing statuses with the STATUSES object. Using export default OcrReader, we’re exporting the OcrReader component to the App parent component.
Next, we’ll define the main function of the component, OcrReader. Paste the following code between the STATUSES block and export default OcrReader:
function OcrReader({onReadOcrData, onRemoveClicked}) { const [selectedImage, setSelectedImage] = useState(null) const [ocrState, setOcrState] = useState(STATUSES.IDLE) const worker = createWorker() // Process image with OCR const readImageText = async() => { setOcrState(STATUSES.PENDING) try { await worker.load() // Set the language to recognize await worker.loadLanguage("eng") await worker.initialize("eng") const { data: { text } } = await worker.recognize(selectedImage) await worker.terminate() onReadOcrData(text) setOcrState(STATUSES.SUCCEEDED) } catch (err) { setOcrState(STATUSES.FAILED) } } } 
Let’s go through the above code in detail.
In the parameter of the OcrReader function, we’re passing onReadOcrData and onRemoveClicked as props to the parent component. Then we’re defining the state regarding whether the image to be processed is selected (selectedImage), and the state regarding the execution status of OCR processing (ocrState) with the useState hook. We’re also defining and instantiating Tesseract.js’s worker as a variable.
The OCR process is handled by the readImageText asynchronous function.
As soon as the function is called, we’re setting the OCR processing status to PENDING. This status is updated whenever the processing status of Tesseract.js changes.
There are several methods in the worker instance. First, we call the load method.
We specify the language to be recognized by the OCR process using the loadLanguage method. In this tutorial, we use eng, which represents English.
To initialize the OCR process, we call the initialize method.
Once the OCR process is ready, we call the recognize method to actually start the process.
Finally, we call the terminate method to terminate the worker and clean up when the OCR process is completed.
Next, paste the following code after the readImageText function block:
// Executed when "Use another image" is selected const handleRemoveClicked = () => { setSelectedImage(null) onRemoveClicked() setOcrState(STATUSES.IDLE) } 
This code updates the state of `selectedImage`, which is the image selected with `setSelectedImage`, to `null` when the “Use another image” button is clicked. `onRemoveClicked` will pass the state to the parent component.
Finally, we’ll add JSX to the component. Paste the following code under the `handleRemoveClicked` function block:
return ( <div> {selectedImage && ( <div> <img src={URL.createObjectURL(selectedImage)} alt="scanned file" /> </div> )} <div> {selectedImage? <div className="button-container"> <button onClick={readImageText}>Process the image with OCR</button> <button className="remove-button" disabled={ocrState === STATUSES.PENDING} onClick={handleRemoveClicked} > Use another image </button> </div> : <> <p>Upload an image to process</p> <input type="file" name="ocr-image" onChange={(event) => { setSelectedImage([0]) }} /> <p>Supported formats:bmp, jpg, png, pbm</p> </> } </div> <div className="status"> {ocrState} </div> <br /> </div> ) 
Save the file.
The OcrReader component is now complete. The full code for the OcrReader component can be found in the Github repository.

Building the SmsSender component

Next, we’ll build the SmsSender functional component. Open the SmsSender file.
Paste the following code into the file:
import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react" import "intl-tel-input/build/css/intlTelInput.css" import intlTelInput from "intl-tel-input" // SMS sending statuses const STATUSES = { IDLE: "", FAILED: "Failed to send SMS", PENDING: "Sending SMS...", SUCCEEDED: "Finished sending SMS", } export default SmsSender 
This code imports intl-tel-input. It also defines the SMS sending status as a STATUSES object.
Next, we’ll define the main function of the component, SmsSender. Paste the following code between the STATUSES block and export default SmsSender:
function SmsSender ({readText}) { const [smsText, setSmsText] = useState(readText) const [iti, setIti] = useState(null) const [smsSendingStatus, setSmsSendingStatus] = useState(STATUSES.IDLE) const inputRef = useRef(null) // Initialize International Telephone Input const init = () => intlTelInput(inputRef.current, { initialCountry: "us" }) // Initialize International Telephone Input after render useEffect(() => { setIti(init()) }, []) // Request to send SMS const sendSMS = async () => { setSmsSendingStatus(STATUSES.PENDING) const country = iti.getSelectedCountryData() const num = `+${country.dialCode}${iti.telInput.value}` await fetch("/send-sms", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ to: num, text: smsText }), }).then((response) => { // Check successful request status if (response.status === 200) { setSmsSendingStatus(STATUSES.SUCCEEDED) } else { setSmsSendingStatus(STATUSES.FAILED) } }).catch(() => { // Catch network errors setSmsSendingStatus(STATUSES.FAILED) }) } } 
Using the parameter of the SmsSender function, we’re receiving readText, which is passed from the OcrReader component as a prop from the parent component. We’re defining the state of the SMS text to be sent (smsText), the state of the phone number to send the SMS to (iti), and the state of the SMS sending process (smsSendingStatus) with the useState hook.
We’re defining inputRef to access the phone number that the user enters in the input element using useRef. Using the Init function, we’re initializing intl-tel-input and setting it to be able to input phone numbers.
Using useEffect, we’re initializing intl-tel-input once the render result is reflected.
The sendSMS function sends a HTTP request to the send-sms endpoint that we will create later.
We’re sending a HTTP POST request with fetch and specifying the text read by the OCR process as the body. The SMS sending status is updated with STATUS based on the response from the endpoint.
Next, we’ll define the handleSubmit function that defines the behavior of the “Send SMS” button. Paste the following code under the sendSMS function block:
// Send SMS when the send button is clicked const handleSubmit = e => { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() sendSMS() } 
This code calls the sendSMS function when the “Send SMS” button is clicked.
By default, when a click event occurs in an HTML page and the processing is completed, a page transition occurs. In addition, when a click event occurs, the event will propagate to the parent element. We’re using preventDefault() and stopPropagation() to prevent the transition and propagation respectively.
Finally, we’ll add the JSX for the component. Paste the following code under the handleSubmit function block:
return ( <div> <form onSubmit={(e) => handleSubmit(e)}> <div>Edit the recognized text:</div> <div> <textarea rows="15" cols="45" name="name" defaultValue={readText} onChange={e => setSmsText(} /> </div> <input ref={inputRef} id="phone" name="phone" type="tel" /> <div> <button disabled={smsSendingStatus == "Sending Message..."} type="submit">Send SMS</button> </div> </form> <div className="status"> {smsSendingStatus} </div> </div> ) 
Save the file.
The SmsSender component is now complete. The full code for the SmsSender component can be found in the Github repository.


Next, we’ll define the CSS for the app.
Open the index.css file under /src with a text editor. Change the content of the file to the following:
html * { font-family: 'Noto Sans Japanese', sans-serif; } .App { text-align: center; } header { color: #2F7AE5; font-size: 30px; } img { width: 280px; } textarea { border: 1px solid #ccc; } button { color: #fff; background: #2F7AE5; padding: 12px; border-radius: 5px; border: none; margin: 3px; cursor: pointer; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-transition: all .3s; transition: all .3s; } button:hover { background-color: #1c4b8d; } input[type=text], input[type=tel] { padding: 12px 20px; margin: 8px 0; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; width: 300px; } input[type=text] { height: 400px; } .button-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .remove-button { background: #7E7E7E; } .remove-button:hover { background: #414141; } .status { color: #2F7AE5; } /* International Telephone InputのCSS */ .iti__flag {background-image: url("/node_modules/intl-tel-input/build/img/flags.png");} @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { .iti__flag {background-image: url("/node_modules/intl-tel-input/build/img/[email protected]");} } 
Save the file.
The front end of the app is now complete!
Next step
In part 1, we demonstrated how to set up a project and build the front end. In part 2, we’ll go through how to build the back end and test the app.
Part 2: Creating an OCR Communication App with Tesseract.js and React (Part 2)
Stephenie is a JavaScript editor in the Twilio Voices team. She writes hands-on JavaScript tutorial articles in Japanese and English for Twilio Blog. Reach out to Stephenie at snakajima[at] and see what she’s building on Github at smwilk.