Wednesday, 26 May, 2021 UTC


It seems like every year is a bumper year for JavaScript, and 2021 is no different. In particular, a new generation of bundlers and build tools is challenging the inertia of “good enough” tools. Improved speed, a better development experience, and higher-quality production builds are all focus areas of the new breed.
Read on for an overview of the new stable of JavaScript tools. ESM, esbuild, Parcel, pnpm, Rollup, Snowpack, and Vite are the new stars making JS development easier.

[ Also on InfoWorld: How to use the Svelte JavaScript framework ]

ECMAScript modules (ESM)
ECMAScript modules, aka ES modules or ESM, is the official JavaScript module syntax. As such, it is not technically a tool, but it has broad implications for JS development and tools. We’ve seen a fair amount of chaos and uncertainty in JavaScript module usage for a while (with Node.js landing on the CommonJS syntax). But with the recent approval of ESM and its general implementation in browsers, new possibilities are opening up.
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