Monday, 16 August, 2021 UTC


Capturing and verifying complex business logic in JavaScript application code is a tedious and error prone process—there is a better way.
The Challenge
Are you a developer spending too much of your time on business logic?
Worrying about coding business regulations isn’t at the top of a developer’s list when you’re already managing a ton of projects and juggling multiple programming responsibilities. Focusing on getting tedious business logic right means JavaScript developers have less time to focus on the innovative projects that strengthen the company’s ability to grow.
For example, healthcare applications contain tons of complex rules based on regulations, new studies, protocols and demographics, with more piling on daily. When those business rules are hard-coded into apps, changing, testing and deploying just one rule can cost a developer multiple productive hours, if not days or weeks.
The Solution
What if there was a solution that allowed for a developer to capture and validate business logic in minutes rather than hours? Well, there is, with Progress Corticon.js.
Corticon.js makes modeling, testing and deploying automated decisions to essential JavaScript applications faster and easier. JS developers can now ensure that their mission-critical business logic is delivered within these same apps.
Corticon.js allows you to capture your business logic as easy-to-maintain rules. Rules can be quickly updated and validated, reducing cycle time and delivering projects faster.
With Corticon.js, integration is easy, seamless and lightweight. This is a huge gain for developers since it saves time and resources that are critical to the enterprise’s success. Instead of worrying about business logic, JavaScript developers are freed to focus on improving end user experience.
Still curious about Corticon.js’ time-saving capabilities for JavaScript developers?
Here are 10 reasons why JavaScript developers should use Corticon.js to automate the business logic that runs the business:

1. Accelerate Development

Capturing business logic with Corticon.js happens much faster and more efficiently than hard-coding directly into multiple JavaScript applications. Now JS developers can focus on more important tasks. If you can create and deploy a new rule in 10 minutes versus six hours, you can act on opportunities faster.
Corticon.js empowers IT and business users to manage business rules outside the application—without coding. Moving rules and processes to Corticon.js and out of software source code means you don’t have to spend hours creating, improving or maintaining decision logic. This flexibility and agility around rules management can reduce development cycles by as much as 90%.

2. No Platform Lock-In

Corticon.js rules are deployed as lightweight JavaScript bundles that can are integrated with your application. They are platform-agnostic—take them to your platform of choice.

3. Ultra-Fast Decisions

Corticon.js is known for the fast execution of decisions. This comes from the speed of rule execution and the ability to deploy rules to “the edge”—saving roundtrip time to backend services.

4. Cloud-Native Architecture

Corticon.js’ serverless architecture enables low-cost, low-maintenance and elastic backend deployment. Corticon.js reduces the heavy lifting of server-side business logic processing, allowing for lighter, more responsive rules execution across mobile and web applications. Serverless deployment increases business agility and lowers operational costs.

5. Visibility Into the Rules With Regulatory Compliance

In today’s heated regulatory climate, organizations must explain the reasoning behind each business decision and transaction. Corticon provides the “what,” “why” and “when” for every decision service it executes, eliminating the need for error-prone manual reconstruction or auditing.

6. Reduce Cycle Time To Deliver Projects Faster

Capturing your business logic as rules in Corticon.js allows you to quickly roll out updates with the confidence that your rules are correct.

7. Deploy Rules Anywhere

JavaScript is everywhere, and with Corticon.js you can deploy rules to any JavaScript platform. From serverless functions to mobile applications to IoT devices—Corticon.js has you covered.
JavaScript is the go-to language of choice for web, mobile and IoT developers. By pushing rules to this same architecture, better decisions can now be made earlier in the process—without the lag of server-side processing.

8. Validate Rules

Successful business rule projects demand that business logic produce the correct outcome for all possible scenarios without costly and exhaustive functional testing. Corticon.js solves that challenge with tools that show you how to resolve all rule conflicts, ambiguities and unintended logic loops with logical analysis. Corticon.js finds the gaps and conflicts in your rules—potentially saving you from expensive mistakes.

9. Can Work With Any JavaScript UI Framework

Corticon.js lets you run some or all of your business logic directly on the client. Whether you use Vue, React or another JavaScript UI framework, Corticon.js rules can be easily and seamlessly embedded in your application.

10. Excel-Like Rule Development Environment

Its intuitive spreadsheet-style interface is easy to use and understand, yet powerful enough to support the most sophisticated decisions and business logic. Skilled programmers can capture business logic themselves or empower domain experts with the ability to model and update rules themselves.
Corticon.js Is a JavaScript Developer’s Ultimate Business Rules Solution
Thanks to Corticon.js, JS developers can now author and execute business rules faster, easier and more efficiently with deployment to frontend UI and any backend (cloud or on premise). Developers can focus on projects that grow the business instead of spending endless hours hard-coding business rules.
Learn more about JavaScript decision services with Corticon business rules management at