
var please = require('share');
console.log('thank you');

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Tuesday, 28 January, 2020 UTC

Embrace the modularity

The WordPress block editor is based around the idea that you can combine independent blocks together to write your post or build your page. Blocks can also use and interact with each other. This makes it very modular and flexible. But the Block Editor ... more

Sunday, 7 October, 2018 UTC

Let’s start building JavaScript plugins for WordPress

With Gutenberg , we made the choice to use JavaScript heavily in order build the UI of the editor, not because we’re nerdy hipsters but essentially because it is the perfect fit to address the UI and UX challenges of a heavily interactive interface in ... more

Thursday, 7 June, 2018 UTC

Efficient client data management for WordPress Plugins

Manipulating Client Data in highly interactive screens in WordPress (essentially the editor page in WordPress pre 5.0.0) is not the easiest task to do for plugin authors. As much as WordPress provides a large number of functions to access and manipulate ... more

Monday, 30 April, 2018 UTC

Explorons Gutenberg sous le capot au WPTech Lyon

J’ai eu l’honneur de donner un nouveau talk sur Gutenberg au WP Tech Lyon. De nombreux talks ont été donnés sur Gutenberg, le pourquoi du comment, ce que ça change pour les utilisateurs mais peu de talks ont abordé les dessous de Gutenberg, son architecture ... more

Saturday, 30 December, 2017 UTC

WordPress Core, the next battles

What are the next battles we should take to improve WordPress technology and workflow? What should we do next? I've been part of the WordPress community for more than a year now, which is really short in WordPress time, but I truly love this community ... more

Monday, 11 December, 2017 UTC

With Gutenberg, what happens to my Custom Fields?

Developers and web agencies make extensive use of Custom Fields to add structured data to their Custom Post Types (and regular post types as well). By leveraging the Meta Box API, plugins like ACF, CMB or Pods Framework address this concern. They all ... more

Monday, 16 October, 2017 UTC

One thousand and one way to extend Gutenberg today

If there's one and only one feature that made WordPress gain 30% of the web's market share, this feature would be Extensibility . What is WordPress without Yoast? What is WordPress without ACF? Without JetPack? WooCommerce? Without Akismet? Without Contact ... more

Friday, 6 October, 2017 UTC

How Gutenberg is changing WordPress Development?

If you're already familiar with WordPress, you're probably used to its content editor based on TinyMCE. Creating content in WordPress did not really change for many years now. But with new competitors gaining more and more attraction like Medium, Ghost, ... more

Friday, 12 May, 2017 UTC

WordPress is evolving and you should care

Do you know WordPress, this tool that powers 27% of the web? This big old CMS everyone loves to hate because It’s oldish, it’s PHP and it’s not an SPA? but in the same time, everyone uses because it’s so great at achieving the goal it’s designed for: ... more

Sunday, 8 January, 2017 UTC

GraphQL is not only for Backend

When we hear about GraphQL, it’s often mentioned as the new way to retrieve data from the server. The silver bullet that will replace REST APIs. This is true, GraphQL can do an amazing job to run the new generation of server APIs but this is not the ... more

Monday, 1 February, 2016 UTC

When I was a noob

Hymn to criticism and continuous improvement This post is a translation from a very old post of mine but still relevant some years later. In the same time, it’s a reminder for myself. What did I do when I was a noob ? When I was a noob, I used to compare ... more

Monday, 1 February, 2016 UTC

When I was a noob

Hymn to criticism and continuous improvement This post is a translation from a very old post of mine but still relevant some years later. In the same time, it’s a reminder for myself. What did I do when I was a noob ? When I was a noob, I used to compare ... more

Wednesday, 20 January, 2016 UTC

How ES6 Generators are changing the way we write Javascript

I have to admit, It took me some time to figure out in which use cases ES6 generators could be really useful (I’m not the only one I think, am I ?). When we talk about ES6 (or ES2015 as you like), generators are not the first feature we think about, ... more

Wednesday, 20 January, 2016 UTC

How ES6 Generators are changing the way we write Javascript

I have to admit, It took me some time to figure out in which use cases ES6 generators could be really useful (I’m not the only one I think, am I ?). When we talk about ES6 (or ES2015 as you like), generators are not the first feature we think about, ... more

Wednesday, 20 January, 2016 UTC

How ES6 Generators are changing the way we write Javascript

I have to admit, It took me some time to figure out in which use cases ES6 generators could be really useful (I'm not the only one I think, am I ?). When we talk about ES6 (or ES2015 as you like), generators are not the first feature we think about, ... more

Monday, 28 December, 2015 UTC

Redux nowadays : From actions creators to sagas

There’s this expression I say each time I stumble on something (some technology) that’s going to change my habits in development …. Oh, ça déchire sa mère :P a not so conventional french alternative to wow that’s great !!! . And you know what, It just ... more

Monday, 28 December, 2015 UTC

Redux nowadays : From actions creators to sagas

There’s this expression I say each time I stumble on something (some technology) that’s going to change my habits in development …. Oh, ça déchire sa mère :P a not so conventional french alternative to wow that’s great !!! . And you know what, It just ... more

Monday, 28 December, 2015 UTC

Redux nowadays : From actions creators to sagas

There's this expression I say each time I stumble on something (some technology) that's going to change my habits in development .... Oh, ça déchire sa mère :P a not so conventional french alternative to wow that's great !!! . And you know what, It just ... more

Thursday, 26 November, 2015 UTC

Quickly learn Angular2 by following these cookbooks

There's a strong emulation happening recently in the frontend community. I often hear "There's a new javascript framework every week" . As I said in a previous post, I think it's a good thing and to help myself make some choices between all ... more

Friday, 13 November, 2015 UTC

Understand unidirectional data flow by practice: rewrite an AngularJS application

Unidirectional data flow (or sometimes referred to as reactive programming or functional programming) is often seen as this new trend in frontend applications development brought by React and Flux (or by ReactiveX from Netflix). So many developers think ... more

Friday, 13 November, 2015 UTC

Understand unidirectional data flow by practice: rewrite an AngularJS application

Unidirectional data flow (or sometimes referred to as reactive programming or functional programming) is often seen as this new trend in frontend applications development brought by React and Flux (or by ReactiveX from Netflix). So many developers think ... more

Friday, 13 November, 2015 UTC

Understand reactive programming by practice: rewrite an AngularJS application

Unidirectional data flow (or sometimes referred to as reactive programming or functional programming) is often seen as this new trend in frontend applications development brought by React and Flux (or by ReactiveX from Netflix). So many developers think ... more

Tuesday, 10 November, 2015 UTC

Frontend application development fairytale (with backend analogy)

In the last three years, frontend development has evolved very quickly. With all this stuff out there (react, angular.js, aurelia, redux, flux, Angular2, Rx.js, falcor…), it became really hard for developers and companies to make choices about the stack ... more

Tuesday, 10 November, 2015 UTC

Frontend application development fairytale (with backend analogy)

In the last three years, frontend development has evolved very quickly. With all this stuff out there (react, angular.js, aurelia, redux, flux, Angular2, Rx.js, falcor…), it became really hard for developers and companies to make choices about the stack ... more

Tuesday, 10 November, 2015 UTC

Frontend application development fairytale (backend analogy)

In the last three years, frontend development has evolved very quickly. With all this stuff out there (react, angular.js, aurelia, redux, flux, Angular2, Rx.js, falcor...), it became really hard for developers and companies to make choices about the ... more

Wednesday, 29 October, 2014 UTC

Javascript reporting done right, with report.js

Report.js is a javascript library for generating reports (tables or graphs), by providing the data and some options. Github : https://github.com/youknowriad/report.js Demo http://bi-joe.github.io/report.js Another charting library ? No, it's not another ... more

Sunday, 11 May, 2014 UTC

Cookie based authentication in angularJS applications

Authentication in angularJS applications can be cookie based or token based. In this post, I'll talk about how to implement a simple cookie based authentication mecanism. The server In the server, there are some prerequisites: An API to login: POST /login ... more

Thursday, 13 February, 2014 UTC

Go quicker with your backends by Using Bedoon

At Rizeway, we wanted to go quicker to build our applications' backend. Like most developers, we're kind of lazy. We were tired about repeatitive tasks, creating a database schema, creating API controllers, handling authentication, adding some security, ... more

Wednesday, 5 February, 2014 UTC

I'm a Ghost

La vie est faite de changements, et bien aujourd'hui je change de moteur de blog. Adieu (au revoir ?) Wordpress et merci pour tes loyaux services, et bonjour Ghost, un moteur tout beau, tout neuf et tout simple. Finalement c'est un changement logique ... more

Friday, 25 January, 2013 UTC

Quand j’étais nul !!

Hymne à l’autocritique et à l’amélioration continue Cet article est une ancienne partipation au DZBlogDay 2013. Le DZBlogDay, événement annuel pendant lequel les blogueurs algériens abordent le même sujet le même jour, le thème de cette édition était ... more