
var please = require('share');
console.log('thank you');

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Thursday, 18 May, 2017 UTC

Dependency Injection in ReactJS

Recently I've started using ReactJS for personal projects and workshops, I prefer it to Vue for multiple reasons but at the risk of starting a holy war I won't go into that here, maybe that's a future post. One thing that was bugging me though was the ... more

Friday, 28 April, 2017 UTC

Adventures in .NET Core

".NET Core 1.0 is here!" he shouts. "After all this waiting, it has finally been released!". He rushes to his development machine, hits up the .NET Core Website and discovers that it's already at version 1.1.0. "Wait, version ... more

Sunday, 19 April, 2015 UTC

Real-Time Ember and Sails

I guess you could call this the sequel to my Previous Post about building real time applications in Ember and Node using SocketIO. Like all sequels the plan is to just do the same thing again, with a twist! This time I'll be swapping Express out with ... more

Saturday, 11 April, 2015 UTC

Ember and Sails.js: Getting Started

What is it you like the most about Ember? What is it that convinced you, that in the plethora of frameworks out there, Ember is the one that you should be spending your precious time with? For me it's all about ease of use. Coupled with ember-cli a lot ... more

Monday, 6 April, 2015 UTC

Building a Real Time Application with Express, SocketIO and Ember.

There are a lot of new fancy web applications out there that are using real-time functionality. You can see examples of this used to great effect in Google Docs' multi-user editing, and the way all the social media sites update you of whats happening ... more

Saturday, 28 March, 2015 UTC

{{bind-attr}} is dead... Hooray!

EmberJS 1.11 released today, and with it some nice changes and additions: such as named substates, inline IFs and the new components helper. But for me the biggest and most exciting change is the new HTMLBars Bound Attribute Syntax. Fancy name. What ... more

Monday, 23 March, 2015 UTC

Broccoli, ES6, Browserify and NPM

This post is more of a brain dump than a tutorial. I had some trouble getting this one working, and I couldn't find much help out there using this particular set of tools together in this way. What are we doing? I want to be able to use ES6 syntax, and ... more

Sunday, 22 March, 2015 UTC

Ember Services and Dependency Injection

Did you know Ember has the concept of services? and dependency injection? You did? Oh... Well, I feel silly for not knowing this sooner. Until now I've been creating a "service" for my ajax calls like this: // app/models/store.js import Ember ... more

Wednesday, 18 March, 2015 UTC

Using ember-cli and ASP.NET together.

Ember is great, ASP.NET isnt so bad. I've been using them together for about a year or so now and I'm pretty happy with the stack, honestly. However I haven't been using ember-cli all this time, which is something both the core team and the community ... more

Wednesday, 4 March, 2015 UTC

MassiveJS v2 - I love it

If you've read some of my other posts you'll know that I don't really like full blown ORMs. They take too much away and give back so little. I'm just not that averse to writing SQL. It turns out I'm not the only one, Rob Conery, has been telling ORMs ... more

Tuesday, 10 February, 2015 UTC

Some JavaScript array methods you might not know about

The for loop has gotten me through some pretty tough times, iterating over arrays, moving arrays into other arrays, projecting items from arrays into new arrays, transforming objects in arrays, and filtering arrays. Arrays. The problem with loops in ... more