
var please = require('share');
console.log('thank you');

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Tuesday, 9 October, 2018 UTC

Functional approach to React components (getting rid of `this`)

I don’t like this. I mean I don’t like this . There are multiple articles on why OOP is not the best paradigm, and why it’s especially so in JavaScript. One example is inheritance. Even Java folks know the Composition over Inheritance rule (thanks to ... more

Wednesday, 26 September, 2018 UTC

Git bisecting FTW

Do you guys know git bisect works? This is one of this features you don’t end up to use often but when you do this is completely mind-blowing. So here’s a recent example. I received a bug report from one of the managers, and it was quickly apparent the ... more

Thursday, 10 May, 2018 UTC

Microservices: maybe not

Microservices have been gathering some attraction for the past several years for a reason. Microservice-based architecture proved its efficiency and won the hearts of many developers. But as with any other thing under the sky, microservices is not a ... more

Wednesday, 11 April, 2018 UTC

Why does clean code matter?

Surprisingly often I encounter this type of question in one form or the other. What’s the point of clean code? If the code has been written, and it does what it’s expected to (satisfying the business requirements), and doing this in a most efficient ... more

Thursday, 25 January, 2018 UTC

Spell checker in VIM

Only recently I figured out that there’s a built-in spellchecker in VIM. You can turn it on with :setlocal spell spelllang=en_us Now VIM will highlight any misspelled word. You can navigate between them with ]s and [s . z= will show you a list of suggestion, ... more

Tuesday, 10 January, 2017 UTC

11 JavaScript Blogs to Follow in 2017

There’s a huge benefit in running a JavaScript newsletter. You get to know about many smart people from whom you can learn a lot. Here are the most interesting blogs I stumbled upon. Feel free to add them directly to your preferred RSS reader. This stuff ... more

Wednesday, 28 December, 2016 UTC

Browsing changed files in Vim with FZF

I use junegunn/fzf to browse files in Vim. It’s an extremely fast fuzzy finder written in Go. If you compare it to something like [CtrlP](kien/ctrlp.vim) you’ll find it blazingly fast. And what’s cool, it doesn’t need to cache files because it’s THAT ... more

Friday, 15 April, 2016 UTC

Essential Form Interactions

There are several important features every form should have, be it a simple login form, or a complicated multi page questionnaire. Most of them are really easy to implement but are often neglected. On the other side as from user perspective we absolutely ... more

Thursday, 17 December, 2015 UTC

Simple tabs directive: Angular transclusion, isolation and controller in action

Sometimes when there’s too much content for one page it’s convenient to hide some of it behind the tabs. Basically you can click on a tab to display one page or another. It comes quite handy and I use it a lot in many of my webapps. I came up with this ... more

Monday, 2 November, 2015 UTC

Why I don’t care about quick sort

I have to make a shameful confession. Being a professional developer for 8 years now, I don’t know how to implement a quick sort. Or merge sort. Or whatever sort. I mean, I know the words, so I can try to make use of my brain and come up with some approach, ... more

Friday, 9 October, 2015 UTC

Adding Logging To Objects With Help Of Metaprogramming

Metaprogramming in JS is not as much as big buzz word like say in Ruby. Partly perhaps because the whole experience of coding in JavaScript is one big meta-programming experience. But sometimes there are those small little hacks that make our life as ... more

Friday, 24 July, 2015 UTC

Why I prefer Vim To RubyMine

I’ve been using Vim for several months now, which means I’m not even close to some of the professionals, but I still like it a lot. People ask me whether or not it improves my productivity, well It definitely does. But not in the way you probably think ... more

Wednesday, 17 June, 2015 UTC

Introducing Full-Scale JavaScript

Just wanted you guys to know, that I’ve started a weekly newsletter on revue recently in which I gather the most interesting stuff from the JavaScript world. It mostly focuses on ES6 and ES7 features, frameworks like Angular and React and functional ... more

Tuesday, 24 February, 2015 UTC

Running Gulp tasks synchronously

Gulp tasks run asynchronously. For example when you describe your build task like this: gulp.task('build', ['clean', 'html', 'sass', 'coffee']); you can’t be sure in which exact order the tasks will be finished. Sometimes this is the source of problems. ... more

Friday, 24 October, 2014 UTC

Binding data with Object.observe

In this article we’ll try to implement a minimal data-binding framework using new fancy Object.observe API which everyone’s in love with. We’ll go step by step and try to solve all of the problems appear on our way. The resulting framework is not by ... more