Monday, 20 November, 2023 UTC


In the post-pandemic era, brands are actively seeking avenues for growth in times of uncertainty.
During this year’s major shopping festivals in China, the 618 and Double 11, Nike emerged as the top seller in the sports category on Tmall, showcasing a trend with no signs of slowing down.
As Nike’s long-term digital partner, Wiredcraft helped the brand launch its Nike优选体验店 on WeChat.
It is an O2O services mini-program designated for the private domain of the offline store, offering more affordable products and customized services to users.
What we did
  • Product management
  • UI/UX design
Boosting Nike’s WeChat sales efficiency
With Wiredcraft’s expertise in product management and UI/UX design, the new initiative was a trial for Nike’s retail stores in China’s Xi’an city.
The O2O mini-program pioneered the integration of the offline retail store operation model into the online realm for the first time.
The mini-program would simplify the ordering process, from Athletes (Nike’s sales) assisting to “consumer self-ordering.”
This mini-program would not only reduce Athletes’ workload significantly but also eliminate the need for physical POS.
Customer-centric: delight in discount anywhere, anytime
The latest mini-program integrated the best of online and offline services in order to provide with customers a more flexible and enjoyable shopping experience.
Customers now could enjoy discounts at their convenience.
The mini-program would provide customers with:
  • designated retail Athlete online;
  • carefree after-sales services;
  • exclusive discount messages.
As Nike’s long-term partner, Wiredcraft is dedicated to providing users with a premium digital experience.
Explore more about our partnership with Nike:
Omnichannel e-commerce and loyalty for Nike China
Building Nike’s Metaverse in China with personalized 3D avatars
Connecting millions with the NikePlus membership