Sunday, 14 April, 2019 UTC


Get 40% off your Manning order
Looking to make your web apps shine? Whether you use React every day, or are looking to build up your web dev skills with the latest modern techniques, at Manning Publications we’re always looking for ways to help developers grow. To help, we’d like to offer you 40% off everything in our entire catalog, including the following selection of books and video courses! Just use the code reactdigest40 when you checkout to save 40%. When you click the Add to Cart buttons below, we’ll enter the coupon code for you automatically.
From Redux to Hooks: A Case Study
Using Hooks instead of Redux for state management is by no means easier. You have to be already familiar with the underlying concepts and understand the tradeoffs. Without relying on Redux you lose out-of-the-box performance optimizations, middleware support, devtools extension, time travel debugging and a bunch of other things. On the other hand you can noticeably reduce boilerplate and make iterations faster.
The React Developer Pocketbook: Learn to develop React 2019
The inspiration for this guide came about after realizing that the blog article I had read the most was ‘A Complete Guide to Flexbox’. There are two reasons for this, firstly, I am very forgetful, and secondly, it is a quick and simple way to find the information I need. This list aims to give you the best guides on how to do almost anything in the world of React, and general web development. Keep reading to find the tools you’ll need to become a great react developer!
State Management with Redux
Redux is an amazing library. It’s very simple and powerful at the same time. It is also very flexible. This is great because it gives us freedom to set it up the way we want and shape it to serve the needs of our application. But this flexibility also makes it difficult to integrate it for a large application because there are so many ways we can do this.
Testing Stateful Functional React Components with React Testing Library
In this post, I'll look at an example stateful functional component that is tested with react-testing-library. I'll also write the same component into its class component equivalent and show how the class component can be tested with enzyme.
10 React.js interview questions (and possible answers)
Interviewing for a developer role does not have to be a stressful experience. Interviewing can be fun. Interviewing can be an opportunity to geek out about the tools and technologies you use every day.
projects News - The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools.
Get the latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools once a week in your Inbox. Curated by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer and Johannes Weber.