Wednesday, 15 January, 2020 UTC


In this volume of Need to Node, you can find the latest news on Node v13.6.0 (current) released, npm Security 2019 in Review and Memory Leaks Demystified.
Check out this week’s Need to Node to keep up to date with the latest news on the Node.js project, events, and awesome articles. You are always welcome to collaborate and participate. Please let us know if we missed a piece of content you think should be included!
What’s New in the Node.js Project
  • Node v13.6.0 (Current) Released. This release has minor improvements and bug fixes, including:
    • perf_hooks is no longer experimental
    • The REPL gains zsh-style reverse searching
    • There are two new assert methods for when using regular expressions assert.match and assert.doesNotMatch.
  • npm Security 2019 in Review. npm Inc’s VP of Security, Adam Baldwin, shares a variety of stats regarding the security of the npm repository over the past year. A stand out is that 13 million dollars of cryptocurrency were saved from theft by catching the Komodo Agama wallet backdoor.
  • Node.js Gets a 'Web Server Frameworks Team'. The Node project has a lot of teams and working groups focused on different areas. Now it has a group for framework authors and users to collaborate on how backend frameworks and Node.js core work together.
  • Check out this discussion about Node.js Social Media Accounts and how to improve the impact of social posts in the community.
Awesome Articles, Links, and Resources
  • Memory Leaks Demystified. Tracking down memory leaks in Node.js has been a recurring topic. People are always interested in learning more about it, especially due to the complexity and the range of causes - by Giovanny Gongora
  • How we 30x'd our Node parallelism.What's the best way to safely increase parallelism in a production Node service? Check out this blog post to find out! - by Evan Limanto
  • Monitoring Node.js: Watch Your Event Loop Lag!. Event loop lag is an essential, but often overlooked performance metric for Node.js applications. What is it and why does it matter? Read this blog post to find out! - by David Hettler
  • JavaScript projects with the most GitHub stars in 2019. For four years in a row, Vue has the first place! But there are some subcategories worth checking out.
  • What Is JavaScript Made Of? a glossary of JavaScript important concepts - by Dan Abramov
  • How to move your project to TypeScript - at your own pace TypeScript introduces a type system to JavaScript to give you a better understanding of your code and assist you in your development flow - by dominik kundel
One Last Thing...
If you find any awesome Node.js or JavaScript related content over the next week (or beyond!), never hesitate to reach out to us on Twitter at @NodeSource to share and get it included in Need to Node - our DMs are open if you don’t want to share publicly!