
var please = require('share');
console.log('thank you');

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Wednesday, 29 May, 2019 UTC

Callback Hell, Promises, and Async/Await

Asynchronous JavaScript, which is JavaScript that uses callbacks, promises, and async/await, helps with functions that take time to return some value or to produce some result. This article gives a basic explanation of how callbacks, promises, and async/await ... more

Wednesday, 13 March, 2019 UTC

Object Creation in JavaScript

In our last article, we talked about Prototype Inheritance in Javascript. Today, we’ll take a look at the different ways to create objects in JavaScript and the resulting prototype chain for each method. ... more

Wednesday, 6 March, 2019 UTC

Prototype Inheritance in JavaScript

JavaScript uses a prototypal inheritance model, and this can be a little confusing for developers coming from class-based languages such as Java or C++. Prototype inheritance is simple but yet a powerful model. In this post, we are going to talk a little ... more

Wednesday, 27 February, 2019 UTC

Understanding the JavaScript Concurrency Model

You have probably heard of terms like “V8,” “event loop,” “call stack,” and “callback queue.” In this post, we are going to examine what these terms mean, how they relate to one another, and, more generally, how JavaScript works. Javascript is a powerful ... more

Wednesday, 2 January, 2019 UTC

A Web History: The Origin of Bundlers, Part 1

Are you an aspiring JavaScript Developer? Have you been writing JavaScript for a while but lack confidence when talking about modules? Have you run across terms like "module loaders" and "module bundlers" and wondered what they mean? ... more

Wednesday, 27 June, 2018 UTC

How to Create a Router in Angular

If you've journeyed with us over the past several months, you know the basics of how to use Angular 2+, and you also know how to add some flare to your Angular projects by creating custom directives. So what else do you need to know before shipping your ... more

Tuesday, 17 October, 2017 UTC

Creating Adaptive/Responsive HTML Emails with MJML

Creating HTML emails is hard — much more difficult than creating a web page in HTML. Bootstrap and Foundation spoil front-end developers. Slap a couple classes in your code and you can have a beautiful, or at least beautifully rendered, adaptive/responsive ... more

Tuesday, 17 October, 2017 UTC

Creating Adaptive/Responsive HTML Emails with MJML

Creating HTML emails is hard — much more difficult than creating a web page in HTML. Bootstrap and Foundation spoil front-end developers. Slap a couple classes in your code and you can have a beautiful, or at least beautifully rendered, adaptive/responsive ... more

Thursday, 5 October, 2017 UTC

A Developer's Perspective On Angular 2+

Should I learn Angular 2+? You may have asked yourself this question several times, but you've probably stayed on the safe side, and most likely stuck to your preferred framework or plain vanilla javascript and ES6. Now that the frameworks you’ve been ... more

Thursday, 27 July, 2017 UTC

A Data Visualization Using d3.js From Scratch

Deriving information from data can be a big challenge. In this post, we will learn how to create a simple data visualization using d3.js. Moreover, we will try to understand the basic concepts under this amazing library as well as go through a brief ... more

Wednesday, 17 May, 2017 UTC

A JAVA Developer's Perspective on Node.js

According to the latest StackOverflow survey, Javascript is the top-ranked technology in terms of overall usage. Unsurprisingly, it's also top of the list for occupations, and with the advent of Node.js, has become increasingly in-demand. ... more

Wednesday, 22 March, 2017 UTC

Node.js - Anti-patterns

Node.js has been widely adopted over the last few years, even by such well-known giants as Netflix, IBM, Walmart, Intel and NASA. Benefits like a support plan and a vast collection of open-source libraries account for much of the growth in Node adoption ... more

Wednesday, 11 January, 2017 UTC

Tutorial: Building a WebApp using Swift - Part 1

INTRODUCTION During the Wordwide Developers Conference 2014, Apple brought to the world something the no mac or iOS developer expected: A new language named Swift, that was presented as the solution for the already old-fashioned Objective-C. The promise ... more

Wednesday, 4 January, 2017 UTC

Improving Javascript Performance with Event Delegation

Events are the most common way to promote interactions between the UI and application layers on web applications. Be it a click, a focus or a scroll, webapps are filled with them, bringing sites to life, enhancing user experience and promoting friendly ... more

Wednesday, 14 December, 2016 UTC

Camel and Wicket Playing Together

Imagine this scenario: you're responsible for integrating your company’s system with an old system from one of your clients. Every day, just when you think you've achieved it, the client’s system crashes and you have no idea why. You are so disappointed ... more

Thursday, 1 December, 2016 UTC

Javascript localStorage & sessionStorage gotchas

This article was originally published here in July 2016 and is republished here with the author's permission. So you write some code, validate the feature, send it off to QA, and move on to something else. The last thing you expect is to have a QA engineer ... more

Sunday, 20 November, 2016 UTC

Why Go?

It was Todd Mcleod that said something like this… "The more I learn the harder it gets to ask questions, the more I ask questions the more I learn" If you're looking for a scalable, light on the page open source programming language, there ... more

Friday, 9 September, 2016 UTC

Lazy-loading ES2015 modules in the browser

Over the last few years, developers have been relentlessly moving their server-side sites to the client-side on the premise that the page performance would be improved. However, this may not be enough. Have you ever considered that your site may be downloading ... more