Node Weekly
December 7, 2017  #217
Robert Kieffer
Enter an npm module name and this tool renders an interactive dependency tree in your browser.

The npm Blog
You now get fully cross-platform package-lock.json files (failing dependencies on one OS don’t remove it from the dependency tree), Node 9 support is fixed, and a lot more, naturally.

Eric Simons
An intriguing look at a new package manager built for the StackBlitz online code editor that claims to be 5x faster than npm and works entirely in-browser.

Sencha, Inc.   Sponsor
With a robust set of UI components and tools to improve productivity and help you design, develop and test your web apps, there is no better JavaScript framework for building sophisticated web applications than time-tested Ext JS. Try it free.

Sencha, Inc.

Simon Boudrias
Aims to be “an easily embeddable and beautiful command line interface” for Node.

Node.js Foundation
All versions of 4.x, 6.x, 8.x and 9.x are vulnerable to an issue to be fixed in a new version of OpenSSL being released today.

Node.js Foundation
The latest in a series looking at how prominent community members got involved with Node. Others include Rachel White and Matteo Collina, plus Myles Borins and Michael Dawson.


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