Thursday, 22 June, 2017 UTC


npm’s documentation recommends that you use semantic versioning, which we also call semver, but it doesn’t explain why you’d use SemVer in the first place.
This post is a quick overview of SemVer and why it’s a good idea.
What is SemVer, again?
At its most basic, SemVer is a contract between the producers and consumers of packages that establishes how risky an upgrade is — that is, how likely it is that an upgrade will break something. The different digits that comprise a SemVer version number each have meaning, which is where the “semantic” part comes from.
There’s a great deal of nuance to the full semver specification but it takes just a few seconds to review the core idea.
A simple semver version number looks like this: 1.5.4. These three numbers, left to right, are called:
  • major
  • minor
  • and patch versions.
A more descriptive way to think of them is as:
  • breaking
  • feature
  • and fix versions.
You release a major version when the new release will definitely break something in users’ code unless they change their code to adopt it. You release a minor version when you introduce a feature that adds functionality in a backwards-compatible way, i.e., you add a feature that doesn’t require users of the previous versions to change their code. You release a patch version when you make a backwards-compatible bug fix, like closing a security flaw or correcting the code to match documented behavior.
By separating releases by risk, SemVer allows the consumer of the software to set rules about how to automatically pull in new versions.
A pretty common set of rules when using a library in development is:
  • I won’t accept any breaking changes.
  • I will accept new features if they’re not breaking.
  • I will accept any fixes if they’re not breaking.
When using npm, you can express this set of rules by listing a package version as ^1.3.5 or 1.x. These are the default rules npm will apply to a package when you add it to your project’s package.json. npm@5 ensures that this happens automatically when you run npm install.
However, you might not care about new features as long as there are no bugs:
  • I won’t accept any breaking changes.
  • I don’t need any new features.
  • I will accept any fixes if they’re not breaking.
You would express those rules in npm using a range like ~1.3.5 or 1.3.x. You can make this the default behavior of npm using the save-prefix configuration option.
The best formulation of rules isn’t 100% clear: a fix version isn’t guaranteed not to break your code, the author just doesn’t think it will. But excluding fix versions entirely might leave you open to a known security problem, in which case your code is “broken” simply by staying as-is.
Many people accept feature and fix versions in development, but lock down the packages they depend on to exact, known-good versions once in production by using the package-lock.json feature of npm@5.
Why is SemVer a good idea?
SemVer allows you — and npm — to automatically manage, and thus reduce, the risk of breaking your software by baking information about relative risk into the version number. The key word here is automatically.
Imagine if everybody used a single number for their version, which they incremented every time they made any kind of change. Every time a package changed, you would need to go to the project’s home page or changelog and find out what changed in the new version. It might not be immediately clear if that change would break existing code, so you would have to ask the author or install it and test the software to find out.
Imagine instead if everybody used a single number for their version and incremented it only when they’d added a bunch of new features that they were really proud of. This would be even worse. Not only would you not know if a change was going to break your code, but if an update did break your code, you’d have no way of specifying that you wanted a specific earlier version.
Either of these extreme alternatives would be painful for the consumers of a package, but even more painful for the author of a package, who would constantly be getting inquiries from users about how risky an upgrade was. A good author might put that information in a known place on their home page, but not everyone might be able to find it.
By making this form of communication automatic, SemVer and npm save everybody involved a great deal of time and energy. Authors and users alike can spend less time on emails, phone calls, and meetings about software, and more time writing software.
SemVer changed the way we write JavaScript
It’s common for a modern JavaScript project to depend on 700–1200 packages. When you’re using that many packages, any system that requires you to manually check for updates is totally unworkable, making SemVer critical — but SemVer is also why there are that many packages in the first place.
10 years ago, the JavaScript world was dominated by a handful of very large libraries, like YUI, Mootools, and jQuery. These “kitchen sink” libraries tried to cover every use case, so you would probably pick one and stick with it. Different libraries were not guaranteed to work well together, so you’d have to consider compatibility before adding a new one to your project.
Then Node.js came along, and server-side JavaScript developers began using npm to add new libraries with very little effort.
This “many small modules” pattern became hugely popular, and npm’s automatic use of SemVer allowed it to blossom without software being constantly broken by unexpected changes. In the last few years, tools like webpack and babel have unlocked the 500,000 packages of the npm ecosystem for use on the client side in browsers, and the pattern proved equally popular with front-end developers.
The evidence suggests that using a large number of smaller modules is a more popular pattern than a handful of large libraries. Why that’s the case is up for debate, but its popularity is undeniable, and SemVer and npm are a big part of what make it possible.