Monday, 30 October, 2017 UTC


Right after the first digest post went live three weeks ago, the MeetupFeed project got green-lighted immediately. The post’s wildly successful reception had been beyond all the expectations and we are thankful for all the positive feedbacks and shares. So what’s next for the MeetupFeed project? Our goal is quite simple: we want to help local tech communities’ shared knowledge (ie. talks) to find its way to its wider global communities. In order to achieve that goal, we will be working hard on making following and discovering meetups and conferences a more seamless experience. Also we hope to make the global tech community more open and more connected on the way. You will see what we mean by this in the following weeks.
Three new digest are going live later this week, covering all the meetup and conference recordings we could gather from the last three months of the three most popular JS libraries: Angular, React and Vue. Also we are launching the MeetupFeed Newsletter, a monthly digest summary for subscribers (one email per month, exclusively for new digests). You can sign up on the right and receive the next digests in your inbox.
We have been working hard on covering even more topics and we will be rolling out the first monthly digests from mid November. These October digests will be prioritized based on your feedbacks (emails and tweets) so drop us a line with your fields of interest and we will do our best gathering their meetup recordings.
Making digests more “user-friendly” is also a top priority, especially since many of you said that the 85 talks of the first one was a bit overwhelming. This is the reason we are switching from quarterly to monthly coverage and there will be some other improvements as well. There is still no easy way for presenting dozens of talks in an easily processable format, but we have already received a handful of promising ideas from you for which we are super-thankful! Also we are thankful for all the speakers and organizers for helping us with preparing our digests, reddit and lobsters users for your upvotes, the ReactJS Newsletter for including our post in their curation and all the developers for reading and sharing. Thanks guys! Stay with us, the next weeks are going to be exciting!
The post What’s next for the MeetupFeed Project? appeared first on MeetupFeed.