Tuesday, 20 March, 2018 UTC


  • Each month we’ll go over the important things you need to know about what’s happening with front end JavaScript frameworks.
  • In addition to the latest news on frameworks, the newsletter also covers the week’s best writing on the JavaScript ecosystem, so it’s a useful all-around resource.
  • Below is a chart showing the npm downloads of the the top four front end frameworks — Angular, AngularJS, React and Vue — over the past month.
  • Despite having more usage than the other frameworks combined, it continues to increase its lead vs both Angular versions and is similar to Vue in annual growth.
  • The biggest React news over the past month is no doubt Dan Abramov’s talk from JSConf Iceland.
@__jhannah: What’s New in JavaScript Frameworks — March 2018 #javascript #reactjs #VueJS #angular…
Welcome to the first edition of a new feature here on JavaScript Report. Each month we’ll go over the important things you need to know about what’s happening with front end JavaScript frameworks. We’ll be covering usage, performance, conferences, trainings and more.
If you’d like to keep up to date on this, you can sign up for my newsletter. In addition to the latest news on frameworks, the newsletter also covers the week’s best writing on the JavaScript ecosystem, so it’s a useful all-around resource.
If you’re a framework author or contributor and you’d like to bring something to my attention, please reach out to me. I’m happy to include any news or updates.
Let’s begin by taking a look at current framework usage trends. Below is a chart showing the npm downloads of the the top four front end frameworks — Angular, AngularJS, React and Vue — over the past month. You can click all images below to make larger.
There are a couple of things to notice here. First, all the frameworks have strong annual growth rates, even the venerable AngularJS. In fact, the growth rate for Angular is lower than for AngularJS on a monthly basis and very similar for the one year period.
Another thing to note is that the monthly growth rate for Vue is a bit deceptive. Vue had a noticeable decline in early February and the big gain is partially attributable to it…
What’s New in JavaScript Frameworks — March 2018