Sunday, 2 October, 2016 UTC


Getting Started With React and Rangle’s Starter Kit
#javascript, #react, #sponsor, #chat
This tutorial is the perfect starting point for building a React-based chat application.
React.js : Server side rendering
#react, #server
These days server side rendering has become an important feature for heavy client side applications and now most of the client side frameworks support it. Yesterday I tried a bit of react server rendering along with express.js and react-router.
Our First 50,000 Stars
Just three and a half years ago we open sourced a little JavaScript library called React. The journey since that day has been incredibly exciting.
Configure create-react-app without ejecting ⏏
#react, #configuration
If you’re working with React, you’re probably familiar with the create-react-app tool by now. If you’re not: it’s an official command line interface for building React applications with no build configuration.
How to safely use React context
Context is a very powerful feature in React, with lot’s of disclaimers around it. A bit like the forbidden fruit in paradise.
Make Your React Components Pretty 
#react, #components
At Walmart Labs we do a lot of peer code reviews, which is great because I get to see all sorts of clever ways to write React components from a variety of talented engineers. In this post I’ll share five of my favorite patterns and shortcuts.
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