Saturday, 18 March, 2017 UTC


Six years ago, JetBrains enter on a project to build a new set up language named Kotlin after an island near St. Petersburg, Russia, where one of their development teams is based. On February 15, 2016, JetBrains announced the 1.0 release of Kotlin, which in their own words, “works everywhere where Java works”:

First, a little reading material

Fun with Kotlin

Eder Bastos, and Android developer at Raizlabs, takes under 8 minutes to administer a nice tour of the Kotlin programming language and why you should deal with it for your next Android project.

Kotlin: New Hope in a Java 6 Wasteland

Kotlin: The Swift of Android

Android Development with Kotlin

Functional Programming with Kotlin

Here’s a talk by Mike Hearn (the same Mike Hearn who wrote Why Kotlin is my next programming language) where he display Kotlin in action, with an attention to functional programming.
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