Thursday, 17 August, 2017 UTC


“.. One of the pillars of NativeScript is the extensibility of the framework itself. There isn’t another native JavaScript framework out there that is flexible enough to provide support for an established framework like Angular, a community-driven Vue integration, a way-too-early look at Preact support, and an ongoing commitment to “vanilla” JavaScript (a.k.a. NativeScript Core).
Did you know in the early days we considered the name “Angular Native” for NativeScript? While we adore Angular, we didn’t want to pigeonhole ourselves into one specific framework. This is why we are so excited about the growth in interest in merging Vue with NativeScript.
A few weeks back I put together a short (like one minute short) video on developing a NativeScript app with Vue. If you missed it then, here you go:
Make sure to read TJ VanToll’s fantastic article on Building Native iOS and Android Apps With Vue and NativeScript
..” Read more 
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