Monday, 19 March, 2018 UTC


  • Now we can install Express in the root folder of our SPA application.Here are the steps to create an Express application:1.
  • Open the command line prompt at the root folder of the SPA application2.
  • Once you type “y” a bunch of folders will be created for your application folder4.
  • Now typeto let nodemon monitor node for changes.
  • Make sure you are at the root of your application when you type
@techjunkiejh: Tech Junkie Blog: AngularJS SPA Part 8: Installing ExpressJS Application Server #angularjs…
In our AngularJS SPA application we will be using the Express web server to serve up our web application.  In the previous blog post we installed the Express-generator globally.  Now we can install Express in the root folder of our SPA application.Here are the steps to create an Express application:1.  Open the command line prompt at the root folder of the SPA application2.   Type “express” without the into the command line you will get a warning that jade will not the default view template type “y” to continue3.  Once you type “y” a bunch of folders will be created for your application folder4.  Now typeto install the latest node version and all the dependencies that express needs5.  To start the express server type6.  To verify that express is working open the browser and type http://localhost:3000 you should see the following7.  Now we want to nodemon so that we don’t have to constantly stop and restart express to see our changes. To install nodemon first you have to install it globally by typing in8.  Now typeto let nodemon monitor node for changes.  Make sure you are at the root of your application when you type
Tech Junkie Blog: AngularJS SPA Part 8: Installing ExpressJS Application Server