Thursday, 22 February, 2018 UTC


  • In this lesson we will learn how to automate the deployment of our Angular app to Firebase Hosting, by using GitHub and Travis.
  • By the end of the lesson we will be able to automatically deploy our app with a simple to our repository’s branch.
Automate all the things!! Automation is crucial for increasing the quality and productivity. In this lesson we will learn how to automate the deployment of our Angular app to Firebase Hosting, by using GitHub and Travis. By the end of the lesson we will be able to automatically deploy our app with a simple git push to our repository’s master branch.
@juristr: Setup automated deployment with Angular, Travis and Firebase
#angular #video @eggheadio
Setup automated deployment with Angular, Travis and Firebase from @juristr on @eggheadio
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Automate all the things!! Automation is crucial for increasing the quality and productivity. In this lesson we will learn how to automate the deployment of our Angular app to Firebase Hosting, by using GitHub and Travis. By the end of the lesson we will be able to automatically deploy our app with a simple
git push
to our repository’s
Setup automated deployment with Angular, Travis and Firebase from @juristr on @eggheadio