Thursday, 24 November, 2016 UTC


Part three - also the last part
Other parts:
  • Part 1 - Webpack, Babel, React, Router, ESLint
  • Part 2 - SASS, more ES6 goodness (Static props, decorators, deconstruction…)
  • Part 3 - Where to go from here
Where to go from here
I really wanted to continue this series, but unfortunately whole JavaScript / Node community is moving so fast, that I found really hard to keep these tutorials up to date. Webpack 2 and React Hot Loader 3 are on the horizon. Some package versions break the other ones. Usual JavaScript business :)
So I’ll leave you with a link or two below.

Create React App

Facebook released Create React App. That is a CLI tool for creating React apps with zero configuration. It is still missing some features, like universal rendering, decorators, SASS (or LESS), hot reload… But it is a really solid start, and backed up by the React team.

My Webpack 2 boilerplate

Also, I just published Webpack 2 boilerplate on GitHub. It has a lot of nice features, check post about it on this blog.
Hope you found this series useful. Don’t worry, blog will still be updated, but this series is over for now.
And before using boilerplates, try making it yourself, so you understand the flow and the tooling behind it.