Sunday, 4 November, 2018 UTC


React Native, developed by Facebook, wants to move more towards the open source community in the future. For 2019, five items are on the agenda.
Facebook has unveiled a list of plans for the React Native Mobile React variant. According to the work on the framework for creating native mobile applications with JavaScript and React focus on five areas: a smaller core, publishing internal Facebook tools, a revised test infrastructure, a public API, and better communication with the open source Community. The team wants to implement most of the 2019 projects.
According to the blog post , the removal of components should significantly reduce the core of React Native. Nonessential components should migrate to the community, making the actual GitHub repository easier to manage. As an example, Facebook lists the WebView component they have already submitted to the community. In addition, they are working on a workflow that should allow internal teams to continue using the components after they have been removed from the repository. The GitHub discussion on the topic lists more details .

Differences between Facebook internal and open source

The creators continue to explain that there are clear differences between React Native as open source and internal use on Facebook. Tools that are of interest to many developers are not used on Facebook because they have an internal tool that serves the same purpose. That’s why Facebook wants to share some tools with the community and also improve support for popular open source tools.
In addition, Facebook wants to revise the test infrastructure to make it possible to adapt it close to the open source environment. So far, the tests were tailored to Facebook internals, so it could come to errors in the open source release. The team also wants to use React Native via the public API to further reduce breaking changes. The goal is to run with version 1.0 with a stable, public API.

Communication is the alpha and omega

Better communication with the open source community should be guaranteed in the future. Among other things, Facebook wants to revise the documentation – on the one hand with automatically generated API references, on the other hand with additional content for a better user experience and revised release notes.

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