Tuesday, 27 June, 2017 UTC


Total ransom paid: /
All computers in our office are down. Global #Ransomware attack. I’ve heard few other companies affected too. Backup and stay safe, guys. pic.twitter.com/YNctmvdW2I
— Mihir (@mihirmodi) June 27, 2017
[UPDATE] So apparently this new Ransomware is called Petya. I’ve created a live counter of Bitcoins being sent to the alleged Bitcoin address of the hackers (found from Hacker News. I’ve just quickly used jQuery AJAX and blockchain.info’s API to get the numbers of confirmed transactions and realtime BTC/USD). Yes, I should use the native Fetch API but I was in a hurry. Here’s the code:
Total ransom paid:  / 

setInterval(function () {
    jQuery.get('https://blockchain.info/q/getreceivedbyaddress/1Mz7153HMuxXTuR2R1t78mGSdzaAtNbBWX?cors=true', function (data) {
        let len = data.length;
        let btc = data.substring(0, len - 8) + "." + data.substring(len - 8)
        jQuery('h2.total > .btc').text(btc + ' BTC');
        jQuery.get('https://blockchain.info/q/24hrprice?cors=true', function (data) {
            jQuery('h2.total > .usd').text(parseInt(btc * data) + ' USD')
}, 2000)
Bit of a breaking news that I picked up on Facebook – apparently big oil companies, airports and banks are affected in Ukraine and Russia. @mihirmodi on Twitter has confirmed that all the machines affected at his company are running Windows 8. It’s been a minute since the WannaCry ransomware / virus was tamed via patches – this seems to be an outbreak of a different sort.
Windows 8 on all machines
— Mihir (@mihirmodi) June 27, 2017
I guess it pays to be on a *nix (that’s Unix/Linux for the newbies) operating system – I’m on OS X, and I’m assuming all flavours of Linux is safe from this attack.
What’s new – the affected machines get encrypted and you have to pay some Bitcoins to restore it. Asking price is $300 which seem relatively cheap to me. I wonder though, what percentage of real-life Bitcoin transactions (besides trading like buying and selling just for profit) are to pay hackers the ransom? I would think pretty high.
What else can I say… Patch your computers regularly! (I won’t say don’t use Windows, I still use it on Bootcamp
The post Petya Ransomware: Live Counter of Ransom Dollars Paid appeared first on Francis Kim.