Tuesday, 18 December, 2018 UTC


Notable changes

  • assert:
    • revert breaking change (Ruben Bridgewater) #24786
  • http2:
    • fix sequence of error/close events (Gerhard Stoebich) #24789


  • [62fb5dbec5] - assert: revert breaking change (Ruben Bridgewater) #24786
  • [a8402fe1c8] - build: only check REPLACEME & DEP...X for releases (Rod Vagg) #24575
  • [26743369d3] - build: improve Travis CI settings (Timothy Gu) #21459
  • [1da04c208d] - build: install markdown linter for travis (Richard Lau) #21215
  • [7612024939] - build: initial .travis.yml implementation (Anna Henningsen) #21059
  • [f70e79a7b2] - build: allow for overwriting of use_openssl_def (Shelley Vohr) #23763
  • [15d1f67c60] - build,doc: remove outdated lint-md-build (Michaël Zasso) #22991
  • [85a6daeaef] - build,meta: switch to gcc-4.9 on travis (Refael Ackermann) #23778
  • [313ef6fa73] - build,tools: tweak the travis config (Refael Ackermann) #22417
  • [22b41495ea] - child_process: handle undefined/null for fork() args (Shobhit Chittora) #22416
  • [499605618b] - crypto: add SET_INTEGER_CONSANT macro (Daniel Bevenius) #23687
  • [34d91296df] - deps: icu: apply workaround patch (Steven R. Loomis) #23764
  • [50347297a1] - deps: cherry-pick d2e0166 from V8 upstream (Vasili Skurydzin) #23958
  • [9bedae5266] - deps: cherry-pick 6bc4bfe from V8 upstream (Vasili Skurydzin) #23958
  • [4f3c9e6aab] - deps,v8: fix gyp build on Aix platform (Vasili Skurydzin) #23958
  • [74c1074d53] - doc: add description for inspector-only console methods. (Benjamin Zaslavsky) #17004
  • [692223182c] - doc: fix api documentation of http.createServer (Ari Autio) #24869
  • [6d8c65e574] - doc: update to adding listens on SIGUSR1 (willhayslett) #19709
  • [33b7c50036] - doc: remove "if provided" for optional arguments (Rich Trott) #19690
  • [216e7da8c5] - doc: do not identify string as "JavaScript string" (Rich Trott) #19689
  • [17e84217c7] - doc: fix grammar error in process.md (Kenji Okamoto) #19641
  • [06daf5276f] - doc: remove use of "random port" re dgram send (Thomas Hunter II) #19620
  • [bf95392e86] - doc: improve assert legacy text (Rich Trott) #19622
  • [e48cc3c403] - doc: remove confusing note about child process stdio (Anna Henningsen) #19552
  • [9d249bf6d5] - doc: add BethGriggs to collaborators (Beth Griggs) #19610
  • [c3ecf05b01] - doc: document make docopen (Ayush Gupta) #19321
  • [8338700d05] - doc: add directory structure in writing-tests.md (juggernaut451) #18802
  • [63d8632611] - doc: add types for some process properties (Vse Mozhet Byt) #19571
  • [b2fc3b556c] - doc: fix n-api example string (Steven R. Loomis) #19205
  • [d79e7d6e89] - doc: minor improvements to buffer.md (Rich Trott) #19547
  • [06491482f8] - doc: update child_process.md (Ari Leo Frankel) #19075
  • [4db289ca17] - doc: move StackOverflow to unofficial section (josephleon) #19416
  • [f5683a9a6d] - doc: correct async_hooks resource names (Gerhard Stoebich) #24684
  • [ffe1f8033c] - doc: sort bottom-of-file markdown links (Sam Roberts) #24682
  • [78d9a5e6e4] - doc: address bits of proof reading work (Jagannath Bhat) #23978
  • [d1eebb2e43] - doc: revise COLLABORATOR_GUIDE.md (Rich Trott) #23990
  • [003eb0c8e1] - doc: simplify CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (Rich Trott) #23989
  • [c1723c8bca] - doc: add branding to style guide (Rich Trott) #23967
  • [8bb67a1fb9] - doc: use Node.js instead of Node (Rich Trott) #23967
  • [73e0bb1f52] - doc: fix typographical issues (Denis McDonald) #23970
  • [6d76f852a9] - doc: add documentation for http.IncomingMessage$complete (James M Snell) #23914
  • [3025f351db] - doc: remove mailing list (Rich Trott) #23932
  • [2459e150bb] - doc: add note about ABI compatibility (Myles Borins) #22237
  • [27b35833bd] - doc: make example more clarified in cluster.md (ZYSzys) #23931
  • [0d4de59967] - doc: simplify valid security issue descriptions (Rich Trott) #23881
  • [9afdc09f98] - doc: simplify path.basename() on POSIX and Windows (ZYSzys) #23864
  • [3f2a01688d] - doc: add review suggestions to require() (erickwendel) #23605
  • [f037942fe7] - doc: move @phillipj to emeriti (Phillip Johnsen) #23790
  • [e5f75cf82e] - doc: add note about removeListener order (James M Snell) #23762
  • [0ff88a3510] - doc: document ACL limitation for fs.access on Windows (James M Snell) #23772
  • [32ae851710] - doc: document that addMembership must be called once in a cluster (James M Snell) #23746
  • [e2d2ce6706] - doc: remove reference to sslv3 in tls.md (James M Snell) #23745
  • [4c24a82a65] - http2: fix sequence of error/close events (Gerhard Stoebich) #24789
  • [8afbd5ce41] - lib: fix a typo in lib/timers "read through" (wangzengdi) #19666
  • [fa12532000] - lib: remove useless cwd in posix.resolve (ZYSzys) #23902
  • [e8dbd09414] - src: use "constants" string instead of creating new one (Ouyang Yadong) #23894
  • [394cb42962] - test: verify order of error in h2 server stream (Myles Borins) #24685
  • [5e09a3d4ed] - test: test process.setuid for bad argument types (Divyanshu Singh) #19703
  • [970164f3a8] - test: improve assert message (fatahn) #19629
  • [086570e4e1] - test: remove third argument from call to assert.strictEqual() (Forrest Wolf) #19659
  • [a7b3274af4] - test: fix flaky test-cluster-send-handle-twice (Rich Trott) #19700
  • [1bda58289a] - test: rename regression tests more expressively (Ujjwal Sharma) #19668
  • [bd9cc92e8d] - test: remove 3rd argument from assert.strictEqual (Arian Santrach) #19707
  • [3ca10faf00] - test: use createReadStream instead of ReadStream (Daniel Bevenius) #19636
  • [8a546e822d] - test: removed default message from assert.strictEqual (jaspal-yupana) #19660
  • [a62df1b379] - test: refactor test-net-dns-error (Luigi Pinca) #19640
  • [8a0ecf4360] - test: refactor test-http-expect-continue (Rich Trott) #19625
  • [0cbe813e90] - test: update link according to NIST bibliography (Tobias Nießen) #19593
  • [ea1fda6228] - test: remove third param from assert.strictEqual ([email protected]) #19536
  • [18c4e5e886] - test: remove message from assert.strictEqual() (willhayslett) #19525
  • [146c488bf5] - test: refactor parallel/test-tls-ca-concat.js (juggernaut451) #19092
  • [8fa5bd3761] - test: rename regression tests file names (Ujjwal Sharma) #19332
  • [d34ade8755] - test: fix strictEqual arguments order (Esteban Sotillo) #23956
  • [6ae07a9248] - test: add property for RangeError in test-buffer-copy (mritunjaygoutam12) #23968
  • [b1e6de80c1] - test: fix regression when compiled with FIPS (Adam Majer) #23871
  • [d0368b8245] - test: fix strictEqual() argument order (Loic) #23829
  • [3a864d716e] - test: fix strictEqual() arguments order (Nolan Rigo) #23800
  • [e7a573a9e2] - test: fix test-require-symlink on Windows (Bartosz Sosnowski) #23691
  • [ac91346776] - test: fix strictEqual() argument order (Romain Lanz) #23768
  • [0f98c4926a] - test: fix strictEqual() arguments order (Thomas GENTILHOMME) #23771
  • [73d19b1516] - test: ensure openssl version prints correctly (Sam Roberts) #23678
  • [544e64d68d] - test: fix assertion arguments order (Elian Gutierrez) #23787
  • [e84c01d1f3] - tools: update alternative docs versions (Richard Lau) #23980
  • [02209c5fa7] - tools: clarify commit message linting (Rich Trott) #23742
  • [22043ccb84] - tools: do not lint commit message if var undefined (Rich Trott) #23725
  • [2a8a28c436] - tools: make Travis commit linting more robust (Rich Trott) #23397
  • [c15d236545] - tools: apply linting to first commit in PRs (Rich Trott) #22452
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Hash: SHA256

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